
Calla Desktop Environment




Read Before Installing

In my previous work, I have provided scripts to make it much easier for the average user to install. However, I have found that these scripts are a massive pain to maintain for a variety of distributions, so this time I have provided universal instructions instead. These instructions have been written based on my Debian installation, so you may find that you have additional steps. If you have any questions, see contact.

Minimal Installation Packages

These packages use their names from the Debian repos. If you can't find them for your distribution, try using the source url from Debian repos.

  • xorg - display server
    • xclip - clipboard
    • xsettingsd - reload gtk/icons
  • pipewire - audio
    • pipewire-pulse - volume signal
    • pulseaudio-utils - volume signal
  • brightnessctl - brightness
    • inotify-tools - brightness and desktop signal
  • awesome-git - window manager (built on commit ad0290b)
  • picom - compositor
  • maim - screenshot
  • fonts-roboto - default font
    • In my experience the Debian package has not worked, so you may need to install it manually
    • You will need the monospace version for the default terminal
  • fonts-noto - general font support
  • fonts-noto-cjk - cjk font support
  • fonts-noto-color-emoji - emoji font support
  • fonts-noto-extra - extra font support
  • papirus-icon-theme - icon theme

Recommended Packages

  • st - terminal (supports live reloading, more support WIP)
  • vim-gtk3 - vim with clipboard
  • firefox-esr - browser (extended support release)
  • nemo - file manager
  • network-manager-gnome - network applet
  • polkit-gnome - polkit
  • cbatticon - battery applet
  • blueman - bluetooth applet
  • xdg-user-dirs - generate home directories


  • copy contents of home to ~/
  • enable NetworkManager service (if network-manager-applet installed)
  • update font cache fc-cache -fv
  • update xrdb xrdb ~/.Xresources
  • generate home dirs xdg-user-dirs-update
  • make screenshots dir in ~/Pictures/Screenshots


Calla contains a settings app to configure itself without editing any files. It can be opened through the Calla icon in the launcher, or by pressing Mod+Shift+C.


  • Terminal - The terminal to run on Mod+Enter
  • Shutdown/Reboot - The commands to use to shutdown and reboot the system
  • Fallback Password - The password Calla will use if it cannot use your user's password
  • Font(s) - Fonts used throughout the desktop environment
  • Battery - The name of your system's battery (found in /sys/class/power_supply/
  • Wallpaper - If you would like to overwrite the theme's default wallpaper
  • Screenshot Directory - The directory that screenshots are saved to


  • Color Scheme - The theme Calla will use
  • Colors - The colors the theme will use, in base8
  • Compositor Settings - Settings for the shadow picom sets
  • Gui/Icon Theme - The names of the gui and icon themes the theme should use




Tag Preview

Volume/Brightness Popup

Lock Screen



  • Sammy for help understanding and adding live reloading.
  • Crylia for massive amounts of help learning awesomewm.
  • Jimmy and Petrolblue for help with color schemes and lots of support.
  • And the support of many more!

Historical Contributions

  • AloneERO for help adding support for Void, Fedora, OpenSUSE, and Alpine!
  • Frankfut for help adding support for Void and lots of help with debugging.
  • Qwickdom for help adding support for Arch.
  • Reverse for help adding support for Debian.
  • Alyssa for help adding support for Gentoo.




You can find my contact information on my website. I also have a discord server with help available and updates for when new features are added.