
Dotfiles that stores all my configs on my system


Introduction 🐈

I'm using this repo as a way to save all my dotfiles and somewhat keep track of my linux journey because why not :)

My tools 🔨

Shell / prompt Oh-my-zsh / Starship
Terminal Kitty
Fonts Comic Shanns Mono Nerd Fonts
Editor Zed / Nvim (btw)
Terminal Multiplexer Tmux
Desktop Environment Gnome-COSMIC
Colourscheme Catppuccin-Mocha

Installation ⬇️

According to this tutorial, the installation steps are:

  1. Add .cfg into .gitignore to avoid recursive issues
echo ".cfg" >> .gitignore
  1. Clone the repo, add --bare flag if you wish to use a bare repo (recommended)
git clone <remote-git-repo-url> $HOME/.cfg
  1. Set up an alias that sends Git commands to .cfg, also set $HOME as the work tree, while storing the Git state at .cfg
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=<path to .cfg’s Git directory> --work-tree=$HOME'
  1. Checkout the actual content from .cfg. It might fail because your computer has similar file names in .cfg
config checkout

Nvim config

Since packer.nvim is already bootloaded. Just go into .config/nvim/lua/sycanz/packer.lua and source the file


then sync packer.nvim:


Tmux config

The prefix of my config is C-s

  1. Install TPM.
  2. Source .tmux.conf with shortcut Prefix + r or
source .tmux.conf
  1. Install plugin with TPM by using Prefix + I