
My dotfiles


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⚠️ Warning⚠️ These dot files in their default configuration will delete your custom alacritty theme if you have one and replace it with a themed version. The solution to this is to turn off the Alacritty theme switcher in settings.lua.

Clone the repo using git clone --recursive ~/.config/awesome. Replace the ~/.config/awesome with something else if you're a NixOS nerd.

Dependencies (I may have forgotten a couple)

-A nerd font
-Sans font
-AwesomeWM Git Version
-Picom (Optional)*
*I recommend Picom Allusive with this config


Super+/: See all Keybinds


All user settings are in the settings.lua file


This is a theme file for the paper colorscheme
file={} --Defines the theme
file.bg_normal     = "#f2eede" --color of background
file.bg_minimize   = "#bfbcaf" --color of various parts of the bar
file.bg_urgent     = "#cc3e28" --color of control panel toggles and urgent notifications
file.bg_focus      = "#d8d5c7" --color of various parts of the bar
file.bg_systray    = file.bg_normal --color of the systray
file.fg_normal     = "#000000" --fg color
file.fg_focus      = "#000000" --fg color
file.fg_urgent     = "#000000" --fg color
file.fg_minimize   = "#000000" --fg color
file.border_normal = "#000000" --fg color
file.border_focus  = "#5c21a5" --window border color
file.border_marked = "#5c21a5" --window border color
file.border_control= "#1e6fcc" --popup border color
file.wallpaper     = "~/.config/awesome/bg/paper.png" --wallpaper location
file.button_outline= 1 --if 1, the toggle buttons have an outline. If 0, they do not
file.light         = false --If the theme is a light theme or not
return file --return the theme

Put themes in the themes directory as [themename].lua. For example, paper's is paper.lua. Set the theme in settings.lua by making settings.theme equal to the name of your theme. For example, for paper make it settings.theme="paper".

Alacritty Theme Switcher

If you have this enabled, you can make an Alacritty theme to go with your color theme.
First, edit alacritty.lua. It should have a line that is something like local alacritty_theme_list={"biscuit","oxocarbon"} Add the name of your theme to this list. Next, make a file in the alacritty_themes folder called [your_theme_name].yml that has your Alacritty theme inside of it. Then, you're done!


Wallpapers from: