
Extension Module for My AwesomeWM Configuration

GPL-2.0 License



Extension module for awesome window manager, providing a collection of visually consistent and functional widgets, layout enhancements, and utilities used within my awesomewm configuration. It is designed to seamlessly integrate with the overall aesthetic and functionality of my setup.


  • Widgets:
    • binclock: Binary clock widget.
    • layoutbox: Widget for easy layout switching.
    • minitray: Minimalist system tray widget.
    • net: Network speed indicator widget.
    • sysmon: System monitor widget (supports CPU, RAM, SWAP, GPU, VRAM, DISK).
    • taglist: Enhanced tag list widget.
    • tasklist: Task list widget with client grouping and optional tooltip.
    • textclock: Basic text-based clock widget.
    • tabbar: Tab bar widget with different styles for managing clients.
      • Styles: boxes, default, modern, pure
  • Layouts:
    • grid: Arranges clients in a fixed grid with customizable cell sizes.
    • map: Flexible user-defined layout structure with support for nested containers.
  • Floating Widgets:
    • apprunner: Application launcher with quick search and filtering.
    • appswitcher: Visual application switcher with window previews.
    • bartip: Informative tooltip for titlebar settings.
    • calendar: Customizable calendar widget.
    • clientmenu: Enhanced client context menu.
    • control: Floating widget for window resizing and positioning.
    • hotkeys: Hotkey helper widget.
    • keychain: Sequential key binding management widget.
    • notify: Customizable notification widget.
    • prompt: Floating command prompt.
    • qlaunch: Quick application launcher with hotkey bindings.
    • tooltip: Generic tooltip widget.
    • top: Top process list widget.
  • Gauges:
    • Various gauge widgets for visualizing data, including progress bars, icons, charts, and more.
  • Utilities:
    • Helper functions for parsing desktop files, managing layouts, manipulating text, and handling cairo.


This project builds upon the redflat extension module by worron.

Some layouts (deck, mstab, vertical, horizontal, centered, equalarea), helper utility (shape) and the tabbar widget are adapted from the bling extension module by javacafe01.

Special thanks to the AwesomeWM community for their support and contributions.