
Key mapping hints in a floating window



🚧 This plugin is currently in a beta state. It is usable and I use it as part of my normal, everyday config. But many features are missing and there may be bugs. Bug reports and feature requests are welcome! 🚧


  • Just works. Lightweight and simple. Minimal configuration.
  • The hint window pops up next to your cursor, and uses as little screen real estate as possible.
  • No custom syntax for creating mappings – just use Neovim's standard, built-in vim.keymap.set.

Setup and usage

Install key-menu.nvim using vim-plug with Plug 'linty-org/key-menu.nvim', or use your favorite Neovim plugin manager. Requires at least Neovim 0.7.

Sample configuration (in init.lua):

-- This Vim setting controls the delay before the popup appears. The way it
-- works is, if you have mappings for, say, the key "a" and the key sequence
-- "ab", if you type "a", then Vim waits timeoutlen, and if you don't press
-- another key before that amount of time, then the "a" mapping is executed, but
-- if you press "b" before timeoutlen, then the "ab" mapping is executed.
vim.o.timeoutlen = 300

-- If you use <Space> as your mapping prefix, then this will make the key-menu
-- popup appear in Normal mode, after you press <Space>, after timeoutlen.
require 'key-menu'.set('n', '<Space>')

-- Use the desc option to Vim's built-in vim.keymap.set to describe mappings.
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Space>w', '<Cmd>w<CR>', {desc='Save'})
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Space>q', '<Cmd>q<CR>', {desc='Quit'})

-- You can also pass Lua functions to vim.keymap.set.
local erase_all_lines = function()
  vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, {})
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Space>k', erase_all_lines, {desc='Erase all'})

-- You can put mappings several keys deep, in a mapping group. For some kinds of
-- mappings, even if you don't include a description, key-menu will try to
-- render them nicely, for example by not showing the <Cmd> and <CR>.
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Space>gs', '<Cmd>Git status<CR>')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Space>gc', '<Cmd>Git commit<CR>')

-- To describe the group of mappings under <Space>g, use key-menu.set.
require 'key-menu'.set('n', '<Space>g', {desc='Git'})

-- The function key-menu.set is just a thin wrapper around vim.keymap.set, and
-- is provided for convenience so that you don't have to type the key sequence
-- twice. The above call to key-menu.set is equivalent to this:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Space>g',
  function() require 'key-menu'.open_window('<Space>g') end,

-- The arguments to key-menu.set are the same as those for vim.keymap.set,
-- except that the RHS/callback argument is omitted.

-- Create a buffer-local mapping group to echo some example text.
require 'key-menu'.set('n', '<Space>s',
  {desc = 'Say something', buffer = true})
-- Create buffer-local mappings to say hello and goodbye.
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Space>sh',
  function() print('Hello, world') end,
  {desc = '...hello!', buffer = true})
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Space>sg',
  function() print('Goodbye, world!') end,
  {desc = '...goodbye!', buffer = true})

-- Create a mapping that does not appear in the pop up menu.
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>1', '<Cmd>BufferLineGoToBuffer 1<CR>', {desc='HIDDEN'})

Final results:

How it works

The easiest way to understand how this plugin works is to run the following command interactively in Neovim:

:lua require 'key-menu'.open_window('g')

This opens a window showing your mappings that start with a g. You can press one of the keys in the popup menu to complete or advance the mapping.

So, if we want to see hints for mappings starting with g, then all we have to do is make this window appear when we press g, like so:

vim.keymap.set( -- define a new mapping
  'n',          -- in Normal mode
  'g',          -- which is bound to the 'g' key
  function()    -- executing this function
    require 'key-menu'.open_window('g')

Now, when we press g, if we don't quickly press another key (within timeoutlen) to invoke a different mapping (like gx or gc), then this mapping will be executed, which pops up the key-menu window.

It's annoying that we have to say 'g' twice, once in the arguments to vim.keymap.set, and once in the arguments to open_window. So key-menu provides a convenience function called set, which can be used like this:

require 'key-menu'.set( -- pop up a hint window
  'n',                  -- in Normal mode
  'g')                  -- when the letter g is pressed

This is the same as the vim.keymap.set in the previous code block.

We can also use desc to configure the hint that is shown in the window. For example, suppose that we use <Space> as a leader key, and <Space>g for a collection of Git-related mappings. Then we might do:

require 'key-menu'.set('n', '<Space>')
require 'key-menu'.set('n', '<Space>g', {desc='Git'})

Now a hint window will be shown if you press <Space>, with a g → Git entry.


Currently the KeyMenuNormal and KeyMenuFloatBorder highlight groups are supported, for the main body and the border of the floating window. Contributions are welcome to add more highlighting customizability.

Experimental: support for built-in mappings

We are in the process of adding support for Neovim's built-in commands. Follow this issue for updates, or if you would like to contribute to this feature. To turn on key-menu.nvim hints for builtins starting with g, add this to your init.lua:

require 'key-menu'.set('n', 'g')

The g hint window will look something like this: g-hint-window

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