
Map keys without delay when typing

GPL-3.0 License



A lot of people have mappings like jk or jj to escape insert mode. The problem with this mappings is that whenever you type a j, neovim wait about 100-500ms (depending on your timeoutlen) to see, if you type a j or a k because these are mapped. Only after that time the j will be inserted. Then you always get a delay when typing a j.

An example where this has a big impact is e.g. telescope. Because the characters which are mapped aren't really inserted at first the whole filtering isn't instant.


  • Write mappings in many modes without having a delay when typing
  • Customizable timeout
  • Map key sequences and lua functions
  • Use multiple mappings
  • Really small and fast


Use your favourite package manager and call the setup function.

-- lua with lazy.nvim
  config = function()


There was a big rewrite which allows much more flexibility now. You can now define mappings in most modes and also use functions.

The biggest change was that the mapping config option was removed. Check the default configuration below to see the new structure.

This also deprecated the clear_empty_lines setting. You can replicate this behavior by setting a mapping to a function like this:

-- `k` would be the second key of a mapping
k = function()
    local current_line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
    if current_line:match("^%s+j$") then


Call the setup function with your options as arguments.

After the rewrite you can also use any function. So you could for example map <space><tab> to jump with luasnip like this:

i = {
    [" "] = {
        ["<tab>"] = function()
            -- Defer execution to avoid side-effects
                -- set undo point
                vim.o.ul = vim.o.ul
            end, 1)

Disable mappings

To disable keys set them to false in the configuration. You can also disable all default mappings by setting the default_mappings option to false.

-- lua, default settings
require("better_escape").setup {
    timeout = vim.o.timeoutlen,
    default_mappings = true,
    mappings = {
        i = {
            j = {
                -- These can all also be functions
                k = "<Esc>",
                j = "<Esc>",
        c = {
            j = {
                k = "<Esc>",
                j = "<Esc>",
        t = {
            j = {
                k = "<C-\\><C-n>",
        v = {
            j = {
                k = "<Esc>",
        s = {
            j = {
                k = "<Esc>",


require("better_escape").waiting is a boolean indicating that it's waiting for a mapped sequence to complete.

function escape_status()
  local ok, m = pcall(require, 'better_escape')
  return ok and m.waiting and '' or ""

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Similar plugins

The old version of this plugin was a lua version of better_escape.vim, with some additional features and optimizations. This changed with the rewrite though. Now it has much more features.