
A simple Neovim surround plugin for editing multiple characters at once

MIT License



A simple Neovim surround plugin for editing multiple characters at once


There are already so many great plugins for surrounding text in vim/neovim, so do we really need another? Not necessarily, but I've found the existing solutions to be a bit cumbersome when working with larger clusters of surrounding characters. So, I wrote a helper function for my own convenience, which I've decided to repackage as its own plugin in case anyone else finds it useful.

I recommend using one of the existing plugins for single character edits. I use mini.surround.

Installation / Setup

  1. Install the plugin with your favorite plugin manager.

  2. All it does is expose one function, which you can map to whatever key you'd like. In this example, I use shift+s (S):

vim.keymap.set("x", "S", function() require("multichar-surround").do_surround() end)

The following does both of the above steps if you're using lazy.nvim:

    keys = {
        { mode = { "x" }, "S", function() require("multichar-surround").do_surround() end }

Once you've completed the above setup, you should be able to select some text in visual mode and edit its surrounding characters by pressing S.


You can configure the plugin by passing a table to the setup() function. For example, if you wanted to redundantly override the default options with the default values:

    -- the text to show when prompting the user for input
    prompt_text = "Edit right pair:",

    -- a list of pairs of characters for the purposes of detecting and
    -- editing surrounding pairs
    matching_pairs = {
        { "(", ")" }, { "[", "]" }, { "{", "}" }, { "<", ">" }
} --[[@as MulticharSurroundOpts]])

In lazy.nvim, you can (and should) use the opts field:

    keys = {
        { mode = { "x" }, "S", function() require("multichar-surround").do_surround() end }
    ---@type MulticharSurroundOpts
    opts = {
        -- the text to show when prompting the user for input
        prompt_text = "Edit right pair:",

        -- a list of pairs of characters for the purposes of detecting and
        -- editing surrounding pairs
        matching_pairs = {
            { "(", ")" }, { "[", "]" }, { "{", "}" }, { "<", ">" }

That opts table is then automatically passed into the setup() function.


Contributions are always welcome. Feel free to open an issue or submit a PR if you have problems/suggestions.

Other surround plugins