
A python-based static site generator for setting up a CV/Resume site

MIT License



A python-based static site generator for setting up a CV/Resume site

Table of Contents

What does ezcv do?

ezcv is a purpose built static site generator for creating personal resume/portfolio/cv sites

Features & Roadmap

  • A large collection of built in themes
  • Flexible templating with Jinja2
  • Fully customizable configuration files and sections
  • Simple markdown syntax for content building

Why should I use ezcv?

ezcv is a great choice if:

  • You are fond of one of the built in themes
  • You want a free and open source static site generator
  • If you want a simple to use static site generator based on Jinja
  • If you are familiar with markdown and yaml, and want a system that can be extended
  • You are not familiar with static site generators and want a simple one to try out
  • You want a static site generator with a built in github pages deploy pipeline

ezcv is not a great choice if:

  • You want a widely used industry solution (something like hugo or jekyl would be better for this)
  • You need low level access to the API for complicated extensions that are not possible within jinja
  • You are not familiar with markdown, yaml and jinja and want a frontend to edit your site with ( netlify, squarespace or wix would be better for this)

Who is ezcv for?

  • People who are not necessarily familiar with coding, let alone web development
  • People who are familiar with web development and want a very simple to use static site generator
  • People who are familiar with web development but don't want to bother writing pure html for their site


Here's everything you need to know to get started with ezcv.

No-code/remote setup

Note that there is an option to develop a site completely on your browser without needing to install anything or know how to use git. For details on setting this up, please visit https://ezcv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick-start/#remote-editing.


To use ezcv you will need python 3.6+ (earlier versions wont work) and pip for python 3.

From PyPi

  1. Run pip install ezcv

From source

  1. Clone this repo: https://github.com/Descent098/ezcv
  2. Run pip install . or sudo pip3 install .in the root directory

Getting started

The easiest way to get started is by running:

ezcv init <name>

Replacing the <name> argument with your name (use "" if you want to use your full name i.e. ezcv init "Kieran Wood").

File structure

When you run the command a new folder will be created with your name, and some starter files like this:


Icon Meaning
📁 File Folder
📷 Image file
📝 File you should edit/delete
📄 File you don't need to edit/shouldn't delete
├── 📁.github/
│   └── 📁workflows/
│       └── 📄ezcv-publish.yml
├── 📁content/
│   ├── 📁education/
│   |   ├── 📝example-current.md
│   |   └── 📝example-old.md
│   ├── 📁projects/
│   |   └── 📝example.md
│   ├── 📁volunteering_experience/
│   |   ├── 📝example-current.md
│   |   └── 📝example-old.md
│   └── 📁volunteering_experience/
│       ├── 📝example-current.md
│       └── 📝example-old.md
├── 📁images/
│   ├── 📷 abstract-landscape.jpg
│   └── 📷 ice-caps.jpg
├── 📄.gitignore
└── 📝config.yml

From here you can go into your config.yml file and pick a theme, then start filling out your content according to what's available for the theme.

To preview your content use:

ezcv -p

If you're on github then pushing the contents to master/main will activate the publish workflow and automatically publish the site to <username>.github.io.


    ezcv [-h] [-v] [-p]
    ezcv build [-d OUTPUT_DIR] [-o]
    ezcv init [<name>] [<theme>] [-f]
    ezcv theme [-l] [-c] [-m] [<theme>]
    ezcv section <SECTION_NAME> [-t=<type>]

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v, --version         show program's version number and exit
-l, --list            list the possible themes
-c, --copy            copy the provided theme, or defined site theme
-p, --preview         preview the current state of the site
-o, --optimize        Optimize output files (takes longer to run)
-f, --flask           Generate Flask routes and requirements.txt
-d OUTPUT_DIR, --dir OUTPUT_DIR The folder name to export the site to
-m, --metadata        Generate metadata for the theme
-t=<type>, --type=<type> The type of section to generate [default: markdown]

See the CLI Documentation for additional details

Additional Documentation

User Docs

API Docs

Examples and resources

Template repository for bootstrapping projects

Template repository for ezcv integrated with flask

See documentation for included themes for examples of each of the included themes

Package Rankings
Top 12.07% on Pypi.org
Extracted from project README
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