
Marksman extension for VSCode. Note taking with cross-references and diagnostics.

MIT License


Marksman VSCode

Integrates Marksman language server into VSCode for delightful Markdown note taking experience.

See the project page for more detailed information.


  • Hover preview: Hover

  • Completion:

    • Wiki link to another document: Completion for wiki

    • Wiki link to a subsection of the current document: Completion for wiki heading

    • Reference link: Completion for ref link

  • "Show References": Show references

  • Project-wide diagnostics for broken wiki-links: Diagnostics


  1. Get marksman server binary. The extension will try to automatically download Marksman language server from GH releases. This is the easiest way to get started.

    An alternative is to either download marksman binary from the releases page or to build marksman from source. Put it somewhere in your PATH and you should be good to go.

  2. Add .marksman.toml to your workspace root folder. The extension is automatically activated only when .marksman.toml file is present. This is done to avoid running Zeta Note on random Markdown files, but rather only inside your notes folder.

Extension Settings

  • Custom Command: allows to specify a custom command to start
    marksman. Mostly useful for development of marksman itself.
  • Custom Command Dir: allows to specify a CWD for the command above. For
    development it's convenient to set the command to dotnet run and the command
    dir to the dir where marksman sources are.


  • Set things up:
    • Run npm install to get the necessary packages.
    • Run npm watch or hit F5 to do development/debugging.
  • Package and release:
    • Install vsce via npm install -g vsce.
    • Run vsce package to package the extension.
    • Run vsce publish to publish the packaged archive.
  • Local installation:
    • Run code --install-extension [path-to-vsix] to install the locally built extension.