
A collection of tools I use for my notes in markdown, zettelkasten alike, format

MIT License



This is a collection of tools I use for my notes in markdown, zettelkasten alike, format. Tools rely on [[wiki-link]] format to find related notes, and time-based id in format 202012051855. Both [[202012121859 note taking apps]] and [[202012121859]] wikilinks format supported, though the former is used for auto-generated files as being more exact and widely supported by different apps.

Always do backups :)

Build a tool manually

go build ./cmd/CMD/ go install ./cmd/CMD/ go run ./cmd/CMD/

1. Regenerate-backlinks

Recalculates backlinks for notes, updates files appending the result to the end of a file. For example:

...note as is...
## Backlinks
- [[202012051859 programming languages]]
- [[202012141632 always be coding]]
- [[202106071713 keeping context]]
- [[202111241342 index for 'criteria to select language']]
- [[202201161342 Jevons paradox]]
- [[202201161344 Hyrum Law]]
- [[202201242307 Chesterton Fence]]
- [[202201251438 The Joel Test]]

Please note, everything after ## Backlinks is considered a backlinks block and will be replaced.

Usage: regenerate-backlinks "path/to/notes/folder"

Install: go install github.com/romanthekat/r-notes/cmd/regenerate-backlinks@latest

2. Sub-graph

Renders subgraph by provided note file.

Usage: sub-graph -notePath="path/to/note.md" -outputPath="path/to/graph.png" sub-graph -h

Usage of ./sub-graph:
  -depth int
        graph depth to render (default 2)
  -ignoreTags string
    	comma seperated list of tags which is used to ignore/filter notes
  -notePath string
        a path to note file
  -outputPath string
        a path to rendered graph file (default "./")

Example: sub-graph -notePath="path/to/notes/202111271135 guitar.md" -outputPath="/tmp/sub-graph-example.png" -depth=1 example output

Install: go install github.com/romanthekat/r-notes/cmd/sub-graph@latest

3. Full-graph

Renders graph of all notes within provided folder. Please note, 700+ notes' graph will be somewhat big.

Usage: full-graph "path/to/notes/folder"

Install: go install github.com/romanthekat/r-notes/cmd/full-graph@latest

4. Unlinked

Prints list of notes without (back)links.

Usage: unlinked "path/to/notes/folder"

Install: go install github.com/romanthekat/r-notes/cmd/unlinked@latest

5. Tags cloud

Prints list of tags ordered by popularity.

Usage: tags-cloud "path/to/notes/folder"

Install: go install github.com/romanthekat/r-notes/cmd/tags-cloud@latest

6. Outliner

Generates an outline note for a note. For example with 3 levels depth (note -> links -> links of links):

# 202206191424 index - automatic outliner experiment
- [[202012051850 automatic outliner experiment]]  
    - [[202012051855 zettelkasten]]  
        - [[202012051959 vim]]  
        - [[202012061631 the archive]]  
        - [[202012061643 org-roam]]  
        - [[202012061807 Σ note taking]]  
        - [[202012092253 note types]]  
        - [[202012111603 knowledge vs information]]  
        - [[202012121859 note taking apps]]  
        - [[202012122000 wiki]]  
        - [[202105252045 my zk app aka r-notes]]  
        - [[202205092304 zettelkasten.de]]  
    - [[202012051859 programming languages]]  
        - [[202012051910 Σ criteria to select language]]  
        - [[202012122102 stackoverflow vacancies by language]]  
        - [[202104232303 create my own programming language]]  
    - [[202012051900 golang]]  
        - [[202012051859 programming languages]]  
        - [[202012051914 compiled languages]]  
        - [[202012051915 static-typed languages]]  
        - [[202012051916 concurrency and parallelism]]  
        - [[202012051917 native binary]]  
        - [[202012051919 web developer]]  
        - [[202012051927 fast compilation]]  
        - [[202012061755 golang manual]]  
        - [[202012061759 miss in golang]]  
        - [[202012122011 Σ programming]]  
        - [[202012122116 frameworks ratings for golang]]  
    - [[202012052002 org-mode]]  
        - [[202012052000 emacs]]  
    - [[202012061624 auto outliner results]]  
        - [[202012061631 the archive]]  
    - [[202012191202 235 read articles and automatic outliner]]  

Usage: outliner "path/to/note.md" will generate /path/to/DATE_ZK_ID index - note title.md

Install: go install github.com/romanthekat/r-notes/cmd/outliner@latest

7. Rank join

Join all notes in a folder ordered by rank, descending. So ideally you get all your notes gathered together, roughly grouped in an order of 'importance'.

Ranking logic is pretty naive, it's more of an experiment without real purpose:

  • add 1 for each link
  • add 2 for each backlink
  • add 8 for each tag (a few tags get more points)

Usage: rank-join -notesPath="path/to/notes/folder" -outputPath="path/to/result.md"

Install: go install github.com/romanthekat/r-notes/cmd/rank-join@latest

8. Rename

Allows to change note (file)name, updating existing backlinks.

Usage: rename -notePath="path/to/id1 note1.md" -newFilename="id2 note2.md"

8.1 Change id

Similar to rename command, but simplifies to to change only id of a note.

Usage: change-id -notesPath="path/to-notes/folder -oldId="42" -newId="9001"