
The tkintertools is a UI framework based on the Canvas class of tkinter. In other words, all the UI is drawn in Canvas!

MIT License

tkintertools - 3.0.0rc2

Published by Xiaokang2022 about 1 month ago

🟢 Added / 新增

  • Implemented the ability to play videos, see

  • Added a parameter called anchor to Image
    Image 增加了一个名为 anchor 的参数

  • Added some aliases

  • Added method resize to class PhotoImage
    PhotoImage 增加了方法 resize

  • Added a callback parameter to the set method of the relevant widget to control whether the callback function is also called when the method is called
    相关小部件的 set 方法增加了参数 callback 来控制当该方法被调用时回调函数是否被调用

🟡 Changed / 变更

  • Changed default value of parameter anchor of Text
    修改了 Text 的参数 anchor 的默认值

  • Changed the API of SegmentedButton
    修改了 SegmentedButton 的 API

🟣 Fixed / 修复

  • Fixed a bug where widget SegmentedButton had incorrect function bindings
    修复了 SegmentedButton 的函数绑定不正确的 bug

  • Fixed a bug where disabling styles would not recalculate
    修复了禁用样式不会重复计算的 bug

  • Fixed a bug where fonts could not be loaded on Linux OS
    修复了字体加载函数在 Linux 操作系统上不生效的 bug

  • Fixed a bug where the return value of method alpha of class Tk was incorrect
    修复了 Tk 的方法 alpha 的返回值不正确的 bug

  • Fixed a bug where some methods of class Tk were called and the window style was lost
    修复了类 Tk 的某些方法被调用时会导致窗口丢失样式的 bug

  • Fixed some incorrect type hints and missing parameters

  • Fixed a bug where the widget Image must be forced to initialize the image parameter, otherwise an error may be reported
    修复了小部件 Image 必须强制指定图片,否则会报错的 bug

🔵 Optimized / 优化

  • Optimized method shutdown of class Tk
    优化了类 Tk 的方法 shutdown

  • The font loading function has been optimized so that parameter private has a certain effect on Linux systems
    字体加载函数被优化使得其 private 参数能在 Linux 操作系统上产生一定的作用

  • Class MoveTkWidget has been optimized to prevent it from getting widget data that is not up to date
    MoveTkWidget 被优化以防止其获取到的小部件数据不是最新的

  • Improved doc string

🔴 Removed / 移除

  • Removed initialization parameter transient of class Toplevel
    移除了类 Toplevel 的初始化参数 transient
tkintertools - 3.0.0.rc1 Latest Release

Published by Xiaokang2022 3 months ago

🟢 Added / 新增

  • The widget Text added methods get and set to get and modify its text content
    小部件 Text 添加了 getset 方法,用于获取和修改其文本内容

  • Added widget Image

  • Added container widget Frame to assist with layout
    添加了容器小部件 Frame 以协助布局

  • The container widget Canvas has added the method clear to clear everything drawn inside it
    容器小部件 Canvas 添加了 clear 方法,以清除其中绘制的所有内容

  • Widgets can now be nested within widgets

  • The submodule tools added a function get_text_size to get the size of the text
    子模块 tools 添加了一个函数 get_text_size 用于获取文本的大小

  • Added the incomplete Select All function, which can select all, but due to the imperfection of the function of selecting the text with the mouse, the Select All function cannot select the undisplayed text

  • virtual.Widget has a new method called detect to determine the range based on the data of the widget itself
    virtual.Widget 新增了一个名为 detect 的方法,其根据小部件本身的数据确定的范围来进行检测

  • Added HalfRoundedRectangular shape class
    添加了形状类 HalfRoundedRectangular

  • Added widget: ToggleButton

  • Added widget: SegmentedButton

  • Added widget: SpinBox

  • The subpackage standard added an internal submodule _auxiliary to define some auxiliary widgets
    子包 standard 添加了一个内部子模块 _auxiliary 来定义一些辅助小部件

  • The GOLDEN_RATIO constant has been added
    增加了常量 GOLDEN_RATIO

  • Added experimental implementations of widgets OptionButton and ComboBox
    添加了小部件 OptionButtonComboBox 的实验性实现

🔴 Removed / 移除

  • The code for the matplotlib related interface part is separated
    matplotlib 相关接口部分的代码分离了

  • Due to some conflicts, the binding and handling of the mouse double-click event has been removed

🟡 Changed / 变更

  • Re-change the text defaults of the widget to an empty string

  • Rename the widgets Entry and Information to InputBox and Text, respectively
    将小部件 EntryInformation 分别重命名为 InputBoxText

  • The "Feature" suffix has been added to the class names of several Feature classes to prevent them from being indistinguishable from the Widget class in the error message
    “Feature” 后缀已添加到多个 Feature 类的类名中,以防止它们与错误消息中的 Widget 类无法区分

🔵 Optimized / 优化

  • Optimized decision detection for Oval and SemicircularRectangle
    优化了 OvalSemicircularRectangle 的检测判定方法

  • The Switch widget added more animations
    Switch 添加了更多动画

  • Shape scaling has been improved: the scale has been changed from direct scaling to calculating the position to prevent the proportions of some parts from being broken
    改进了 Shape 的缩放:缩放已从直接缩放更改为计算位置后缩放,以防止某些部分的比例被破坏

  • All widgets that involve text now do not need to be forced to specify the size at initialization, and it automatically calculates the size of text without line breaks

  • Optimized the RoundedRectangle subclass of the Shape class
    优化了 Shape 的子类 RoundedRectangle

  • Improved the docstrings, error messages, and warning messages

🟣 Fixed / 修复

  • Fixed a bug where IconButton was missing style files
    修复了 IconButton 缺少样式文件的 bug

  • Fixed a bug where the Slider could be activated unexpectedly when disabled
    修复了 Slider 在禁用时可能会意外激活的 bug

  • Fixed a bug where text had no effect on modifying its properties after scaling
    修复了文本在缩放后修改其属性不起作用的 bug

  • Fixed a bug where some widgets with default values could repeatedly call the method set, causing the widget appearance to be misaligned
    修复了某些具有默认值的小部件可能会重复调用方法 set 从而导致小部件外观错位的 bug

  • Fixed a bug where some highly custom widgets would report an error when zooming
    修复了某些高度自定义的小部件在缩放时会报错的 bug

🟤 Refactored / 重构

  • Refactored the style subpackage, reformatted the style file, and now supports two ways to import themes. That is, import as a JSON file, or directly import using a Python file
    重构了 style 子包,重新格式化了样式文件,现在支持两种导入主题的方式。即使用 JSON 文件导入,或直接使用 Python 文件导入

  • Removed the original JSON format style file, and added theme subpackage to store the style data as a Python file, so as to solve the bug that the default style file is lost in project packaging
    移除了原有的 JSON 格式样式文件,并添加了 theme 子包,将样式数据存储为 Python 件,从而解决了项目打包时默认样式文件丢失的 bug

tkintertools - 🔖 3.0.0.beta4

Published by Xiaokang2022 3 months ago

🟢 Added / 新增

  • The widget Entry has a new parameter placeholder to display the prompt information
    小部件 Entry 新增了参数 placeholder 来实现提示信息的显示

  • Added parameter show to the widget Entry to mask characters (e.g. password box)
    小部件 Entry 新增了参数 show 来实现字符的掩盖(如密码框)

  • The new parameter align has been added to the widget Entry to achieve a similar effect to the text-align of tags in HTML, i.e. the left, right, and center layout of the text
    小部件 Entry 新增了参数 align 来实现于 HTML 里的标签的 text-align 类似的效果,即文本的靠左、靠右和居中布局

  • The widget Entry has been added to move the text prompt by pressing the left and right keys on the keyboard
    小部件 Entry 新增了通过按下键盘的左右键来移动文本提示符的功能

  • Added text selection to the widget Entry
    小部件 Entry 新增了文本选中的功能

  • The widget Entry has added shortcuts to copy (Ctrl+C), paste (Ctrl+V) and cut (Ctrl+X)
    小部件 Entry 新增了快捷键复制(Ctrl+C)、粘贴(Ctrl+V)和剪切(Ctrl+X)的功能

  • Added widget slider (Slider)

  • Added widget icon button (IconButton)

  • Added some missing docstrings

🟡 Changed / 变更

  • The color of the widget Entry has been changed slightly under Windows 10 to enhance the look
    小部件 Entry 在 Windows 10 操作系统下的颜色略有改变,以提升观感

  • The position of the text of the widget Entry in the text box has been slightly corrected to improve the look
    小部件 Entry 的文本在文本框中的位置被稍微修正了一下,以提升观感

🟣 Fixed / 修复

  • Fixed a bug where deleting text from the widget Entry in some cases would cause the program to loop in an endless loop
    修复了小部件 Entry 某些情况下删除文本会导致程序死循环的问题

🔵 Optimized / 优化

  • Improved the readability of some codes

🔴 Removed / 移除

  • Widget Entry removed the parameters justify and anchor
    小部件 Entry 移除了参数 justifyanchor

  • Removed the 3D part of the code and related theme files
    移除了 3D 部分代码以及相关主题文件

Thank you for your support of this project! ❤️

tkintertools - 🔖 3.0.0.beta3

Published by Xiaokang2022 4 months ago

🟢 Added / 新增

  • The docstrings for a portion of the code has been added

  • animation.animations has added class MoveTkWidget to move a tkinter widget
    animation.animations 新增类 MoveTkWidget 来移动一个 tkinter 小部件

  • core.containers.Canvas added the parameter name to bind the theme
    core.containers.Canvas 新增参数 name 来绑定主题

  • core.containers.Canvas added method _zoom_children to scale the tkinter widget of the Place layout
    core.containers.Canvas 新增方法 _zoom_children 来实现对 Place 布局的 tkinter 小部件的缩放

  • Introduce the optional third-party package pillow and add a new class PhotoImage in toolbox.enhanced to improve image scaling performance
    引入可选的第三方包 pillow 并在 toolbox.enhanced 新增类 PhotoImage 以提高图片缩放的性能

  • Introduce an optional third-party package matplotlib and add a new module mpl to toolbox to achieve compatibility with matplotlib related interfaces
    引入可选的第三方包 matplotlib 并在 toolbox 中新增模块 mpl 来实现对 matplotlib 相关接口的兼容

  • adds the function get_hwnd to fetch the HWND of the widget 新增函数 get_hwnd 来实现小部件的 HWND 的获取

  • adds a new function embed_window to embed a widget into another widget, which only works on Windows 新增函数 embed_window 来将一个小部件嵌入到另外一个小部件中,仅在 Windows 系统中有效

  • adds a new function screen_size to get the width and height of the screen 新增函数 screen_size 来获取屏幕的宽度和高度

  • adds a new function set_mouse_position to set the mouse position, which only works on Windows 新增函数 set_mouse_position 来设置鼠标的位置,仅在 Windows 系统中有效

  • adds a new function _forward_methods to implement the forwarding of class methods 新增函数 _forward_methods 来实现类方法的转发

  • Introduce optional third-party packages pywinstyles, win32material and hPyT, and add many new parameters to style.manager.customize_window to implement the corresponding interfaces
    引入可选的第三方包 pywinstyleswin32materialhPyT 并在 style.manager.customize_window 新增许多参数来实现对应的接口

🔴 Removed / 移除

  • Remove function color.rgb._str_to_hex, this function is useless
    移除函数 color.rgb._str_to_hex,此函数无用

  • Remove class core.containers.Dialog, this class is useless
    移除类 core.containers.Dialog,此类无用

  • Removed the class core.containers.ChildWindow and there is a better way to replace it
    移除类 core.containers.ChildWindow,已有其它更好的替换方式

  • Remove redundant code from three.engine in preparation for the next refactoring
    移除 three.engine 中的冗余代码,为下个版本重构做准备

🟡 Changed / 变更

  • animation.animations.Gradient renamed to GradientItem
    animation.animations.Gradient 更名为 GradientItem

  • The value of core.constants.SIZE has been changed from -24 to -20 (a value close to the system text size)
    core.constants.SIZE 的值从 -24 更改为 -20(与系统文本大小接近的值)

  • The default size of most widgets has been reduced to accommodate the font size change

  • style.theme is renamed to manager to avoid having the same name as the theme folder
    style.theme 更名为 manager,避免跟主题文件夹 theme 重名

  • The rules for storing theme files have been completely changed, as shown in the module docstring for style.parser
    主题文件存放规则完全更改,具体见 style.parser 的模块文档字符串

  • style.theme.custom_window renamed to style.manager.customize_window
    style.theme.custom_window 更名为 style.manager.customize_window

  • three.engine.Side renamed to three.engine.Plane
    three.engine.Side 更名为 three.engine.Plane

🔵 Optimized / 优化

  • Now the third-party package darkdetect is no longer required, but optional. When this package is missing, some features will be unavailable
    现在第三方包 darkdetect 不是必需的了,而是可选的。当缺少此包,将导致部分功能不可用

🟣 Fixed / 修复

  • Fixed some incorrect docstrings

  • Fixed an issue where the subject response event was not removed when the window was closed

  • Fixed an issue where the widget style did not change completely in some cases when the widget was disabled

🟤 Refactored / 重构

  • core.virtual refactoring to remove redundant code and optimize existing code
    core.virtual 重构,删去冗余代码,优化已有代码

  • style refactored
    style 重构

Thank you for your support of this project! ❤️

tkintertools - 🔖 3.0.0.beta2

Published by Xiaokang2022 5 months ago

✨ What 's New - 更新内容

  • 🔖 Version - 最新版本 : 3.0.0.beta2
  • 🕓 Release - 发布日期 : 2024-06-03
  • ✨ Feature - 更新说明 : News-3.0.0b2
  • 📑 Changelog - 更新日志 : Changelog
pip install tkintertools==3.0.0b2

👀 Preview - 预览

  • Demo1 Light Theme

Light - Demo1

  • Demo1 Dark Theme

Dark - Demo1

  • Demo2 Light Theme

Light - Demo2

  • Demo2 Dark Theme

Light - Demo2

Thank you for your support of this project! ❤️

tkintertools - tkintertools 3.0.0 is now in beta!

Published by Xiaokang2022 5 months ago

🔖 3.0.0.beta1

P.S. English translation provided by

After 8 months of refactoring work (10 dev releases, 7 alpha releases, 1 beta release), TkinterTools has made the leap from Gen 2 to Gen 3 🚀! But tkintertools 3 is still in a beta state, and I don't recommend using it directly in a production environment, as it currently has some issues to be resolved, and the API may not be fully determined.
经过 8 个月的重构工作(10 个 dev 版本,7 个 alpha 版本,1 个 beta 版本),tkintertools 已经从第 2 代版本跃升至第 3 代了 🚀!但 tkintertools 3 仍处于一个测试状态,我不推荐你直接再生产环境中使用它,因为它目前存在一些问题有待解决,而且 API 可能也没有完全确定。

In conclusion, tkintertools 3 has entered the public beta state 🎉! You can install it with the following command:
总之,tkintertools 3 进入了 beta 版本的公开测试状态 🎉!你可以通过下面的命令来安装它:

pip install tkintertools==3.0.0b1

But no matter what, I would like to thank everyone for their support of this project ❤️! I hope that there will be more and more ⭐ in this project!
但无论如何,我都要感谢大家对本项目的支持 ❤️ !希望本项目的 ⭐ 可以越来越多吧!

✨ What 's New - 更新内容

Due to the large number of updates, I won't release it here, you can go to the changelog on the official website of tkintertools to view!
由于更新内容较多,这里就不放出来了,大家可以去 tkintertools 官网更新日志进行查看!

👀 Preview - 预览

The following preview pictures are all the effects produced by the same Demo, there are many Demo codes, and they are not shown here, you can go to the official website of tkintertools Update Notes to view.
下面的预览图都是同一个 Demo 产生的效果,Demo 代码较多,这里同样不展示,大家可自行去 tkintertools 官网更新说明处查看。

Unfortunately, there is no documentation available for your reference.
















Thank you to my friends who helped me test on other platforms!

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