
APACHE-2.0 License



This repository contains examples that demonstrate usage of MongoDB Java Driver with MongoDB database.

Examples Description:

Establish connection over TLS/SSL with MongoDB cluster

Package: org.mongodb.connect.tls

This package contains several examples demonstrating MongoClient configuration and establishment of TLS connectivity between the MongoDB database and MongoDB Java Driver

The code has been tested with:

  • MongoDB Java Driver (mongodb-driver-sync) v4.1.0
  • JRE 1.8

The following TLS connectivity use cases covered:

  • Java Application configured with CA certificate to validate the MongoDB Server's certificate
  • Java Application validating the MongoDB server’s certificate and providing its Client’s certificate to be validated by the MongoDB Server
  • As in the previous case of validating and providing certs, but with the additional authentication of the database by using the Client’s X.509 certificate - X509 authentication

Certs from a known Certificate Authority are usually stored in the cacerts file provided with the JRE. The use cases in the following examples assume the CA certificates were issued privately, and were not issued by a known Certificate Authority.

The classes implementing the use cases are separated into two packages:

  • org.mongodb.connect.tls.cert_store
  • org.mongodb.connect.tls.sslcontext

Classes in the org.mongodb.connect.tls.cert_store demonstrate how to set the location of the certificate files by using the following JVM system properties:

  • - points to the JKS Trust Store file holding the CA certificate
  • - points to the PKCS12 Key Store file holding the Client's certificate

Classes in the org.mongodb.connect.tls.sslcontext demonstrate implementation of the same use cases, but with the MongoClient object configured to use a custom SSLContext.