
This is a simple React-based User Management application that allows users to sign up, view a list of registered users, delete users, select multiple users, and export selected users' data to a CSV file.


User Management App

This is a simple React-based User Management application that allows users to sign up, view a list of registered users, delete users, select multiple users, and export selected users' data to a CSV file.



  • User Sign Up: Users can sign up by providing their email, first name, last name, and password.
  • View Users: Displays a paginated list of users with their email, first name, and last name.
  • Delete Users: Allows the deletion of individual users.
  • Select Users: Users can select multiple users to be exported.
  • Export Users: Exports selected users' data to a CSV file.


  • Node.js and npm: Ensure Node.js and npm are installed on your system.
  • Backend API: The application relies on a backend API to handle user data. The backend should be running locally.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd user-management-app
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the backend server:

    Ensure that the backend API is running locally. Navigate to the backend directory and start the server:

    npm run server
  4. Start the React app:

    npm start

    This command will start the application and open it in your default web browser. The app will be available at http://localhost:3000.

Project Structure

  • App.js: The main component that handles the user interface and interactions.
  • App.css: Contains the styles for the application.
  • index.js: The entry point of the application.

Backend API

The backend API should expose the following endpoints:

  • GET /users: Retrieve the list of users.
  • POST /users/register: Register a new user.
  • DELETE /users/delete/:userId: Delete a user by ID.
  • GET /users/export: Export selected users' data to a CSV file.

Example Backend Command

To start the backend server locally, use the following command in the backend project directory:

npm run server