
An Angular app for managing event rooming assignments


Bunkmate Matcher

This app was built as a final project for a graduate-level Web Application Development using Node.js course, taken at Harvard Extension School in the Spring of 2018.

The premise of this app:

I manage a series of tech retreats called Offline Camp for which I need to match up strangers and turn them into roommates while keeping everyone relatively comfortable. This app is a first step toward managing that process with a computer instead of with sticky notes.

The back end of this Node.js app (found in the server directory) uses Express and Mongoose to create a data service that can be accessed via API.

The front end (found in the client directory) uses Angular to access that API.

To view the app running live via Digital Ocean:

To run this code locally:

  • Clone the repo from GitHub.
  • Install dependencies by typing npm install from the project's server directory.
  • Create a .env file in the project's server directory containing DB_USER and DB_PWD values. (This file has been included in .gitignore. )
  • Update the URI in the server/app.js file to reference your own MongoDB account.
  • To run this in standard mode, type npm start from the project's server directory.
  • To run in debugging mode, type npm run start-dev from the project's server directory.
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