
Hello world nodejs app with Mongo db

MIT License



A boilerplate for Node.js web applications.

It is based on following libraries and frameworks-

  1. Express.js
  2. Ejs template engine
  3. mongoose
  4. jQuery
  5. Semantic UI
  6. JsonWebToken for authentication

Folder Structure

  1. bin: It contains the main file 'www' which starts node server
  2. config: All the configurable parameters and credentials
  3. data: json data
  4. logs: logs dumps here
  5. middlewares: All the middlewares defined here
  6. models: Sequelize models (database schema)
  7. modules: Independent modules used throughout the app are defined here
  8. public: All the static resources (js, css, images)
  9. routes: All the routes
  10. services: These act as middlemen between routes and database. All the database operations are made here.
  11. views: Contains HTML and .ejs files used for rendering to frontend

How to install

  1. git clone
  2. cd node-starter-app-mongo
  3. npm install
  4. cd public
  5. bower install
  6. create database 'nodeStarterAppMongo' in MySql create database nodeStarterAppMongo
  7. come back to project directory cd ..
  8. start app nodemon bin/www or node bin/www
  9. visit localhost:4000 in browser

Naming Conventions

  1. using camelCase for naming variables, functions in javascript
  2. using camelCase for naming MySql tables, CSS IDs
  3. using hyp-hens for naming CSS classes
  4. using under_scores for naming files and folders
  5. using UPPERCASE for constants and global variables
  6. using PascalCase for naming Javascript classes

Coding Conventions

  1. Line length max 80 characters for Javascript
  2. Line length max 120 characters for HTML
  3. Standard JS coding conventions-


Home Screen Dashboard Screen
Login Screen Signup Screen

Learning Resources

  1. JavaScript Functions

For query/issues create Github issue or contact: [email protected]

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