
Racket client and host for the Neovim editor

GPL-3.0 License


.. default-role:: code

############################### API client library for Neovim ###############################

This is the Neovim client library and host for Racket, it allows communication between the Neovim text editor and Racket using the MessagePack RPC.

Installation ############

To use the API client you have to install the nvim-client Racket package, and in order to use remote plugins written in Racket you have to install the Racket language host. This repository contains both of them together.

Installing the API client

The easiest way is to install it from the Racket package catalog_:

.. code:: sh

raco pkg install nvim-client

If you wish to install the collection from this repository directly you will have to install the nvim-client subdirectory.

.. code:: sh

cd neovim.rkt make install

To remove the package

make remove

This will install the package as a directory type, so keep the repository around. Type make help for more details or see the contents of the makefile_.

.. _package catalog: .. _makefile: makefile

Installing the Racket host

The Racket host is a Neovim package inside the nvim subdirectory. Install this repository using your method of choice and make sure to select the subdirectory as the runtime path. Modern package managers will usually have an option called rtp (or similar) you can specify in the plugin specification.

Using Neovim and Racket #######################

You can use the client to control a Neovim instance from Racket, as well as to let Neovim control a Racket instance.

Connecting to a running Neovim instance on the REPL

.. code:: racket

;; Connecting over a Unix socket with path "nvim-listen-address" (require nvim racket/unix-socket) (define-values (in out) (unix-socket-connect nvim-listen-address)) (define nvim (nvim-attach in out)) (send nvim command "echo 'Hello world!'")

We connect to a running Neovim process which over a Unix domain socket whose path is nvim-listen-address [1]_. The connection is reprsented by the nvim object and we can issue API calls by sending messages to it. Here we send the command message to execute a command (passed as a string).

We can connect to any number of Neovim instances at any time, each one of them is represented by a different object.

Remote plugins

Remote plugins are Racket files which define functions, commands and auto-commands for Neovim. This is the Racket translation of the Neovim remote plugin example_ [2]_:

.. code:: racket

(require nvim)

(define calls 0) (define (increment-calls) (cond [(= calls 5) (raise "Too many calls!")] [else (set! calls (add1 calls))]))

(nvim-command "Cmd" #:range "" #:nargs #* #:sync #t (λ (args range) (increment-calls) (send (current-nvim-instance) set-current-line (format "Command: Called ~a times, args: ~a, range ~a" calls args range))))

(nvim-autocmd "BufEnter" #:pattern "*.rkt" #:eval "expand('')" #:sync #t (λ (filename) (increment-calls) (send (current-nvim-instance) set-current-line (format "Autocmd: Called ~a times, file: ~a" calls filename))))

(nvim-function "Func" (λ (args) (increment-calls) (send (current-nvim-instance) set-current-line (format "Function: Called ~a times, args: ~a" calls args))))

We could have also written (define nvim (current-nvim-instance)) so we don't have to spell the entire parameter out every time.

.. _Neovim remote plugin example:

.. [1] See :h v:servername and :h $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS .. [2] See :h remote-plugin-example

Status of the project #####################

The project is still in an experimental state and names might change. Do not use it for production. It does work though, so if you want to tinker go right ahead.

License #######

Released under the GNU GPLv3+ license, see the COPYING_ file for details.