
Have you ever wondered when was the last chalga release?


About 💻

Have you ever wonder when was the last chalga song released? Even if the answer is no, you are in the right place.


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🔧 Technologies

Build using the t3 stack, Days Since Last Chalga Song is using cutting edge technologies, inlcuding:

Installation ⚙

You can start with downloading our project form GitHub by pressing the green clone button


Pasting this line of code in your favourite Terminal:

git clone --recursive

Deployment 💻

First you need to make a .env in the in the root folder. You can see .env.example on what environment variable you need to set up!

Then you need to make the migration with the Database, this can be acived by pasting the following lines in your favourite Terminal, while you are in the root folder:

  npm run db-push

To start the development server, simply type:

  npm run dev
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