
Ecommerce Website using MERN Stack


Vcart Mini-Ecommerce project

This response outlines the development of an e-commerce website using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. The website will enable users to search for specific products, add items to their carts, calculate subtotals, place orders, receive order confirmation notifications, and efficiently manage product stocks through a seeder command.


Mongo DB ATLAS cloud

Backend Server Technologies:

Node Js
Express Js

Front-end Technologies:

Html 5
Bootstrap 5
React JS

Backend Development (Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB)

Setting up the Server:

  • Create a app.js file to initialize the Express server and connect to the MongoDB database.
  • Implement middleware for parsing JSON requests and serving static files.

Defining Models:

  • Create models for Product, Cart, and Order using Mongoose.
  • Define schema properties and relationships between models.

Creating Routes:

  • Define routes for product search, cart management, order placement, and seeder functionality.
  • Implement controller functions to handle requests and interact with the database.

Seeder Command:

  • Create a seeder script to populate the database with initial product data.
  • Use Mongoose's Model.create method to insert products into the database.

Frontend Development (React)

Setting up the React App:

  • Create a React app using Create React App.
  • Install necessary dependencies.

Component Structure:

  • Develop components for product search, product list, cart, checkout, and order confirmation.
  • Use state management (e.g., Context API) to manage cart items and user data.

Fetching Data:

  • Make API calls to the backend to fetch product data and update the frontend.
  • Use asynchronous programming (e.g., async/await) for efficient data retrieval.

User Interface:

  • Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface using CSS or a styling library.
  • Implement responsive design for optimal viewing on different devices.

Integrating Frontend Build into Existing Server-Side App

Build the Frontend:

  • Use the npm run build command to create the optimized frontend build files.
  • Copy Build Files:
  • Copy the contents of the build directory from the frontend project to a designated directory within the server-side application.
  • In single localhost:8000

Serve Static Files:

  • Configure Express to serve the static files from the copied directory.
  • Use middleware like express.static to achieve this.