
A simplified version of an online shopping application


Shopping App

A simplified version of an online shopping application. It was created for demonstration purpose only.


  • Authentication: Sign-up, login, logout and reset password e-mail.
  • Shopping: Paginated product listing, product details and so on.
  • Cart: Add different products to cart and visualise checkout page.
  • Orders & Payments: Create orders, enter credit card details, get pdf receipt and view orders.
  • Admin Area: Manage products online, upload photos, create products, update and delete.

Quick Preview

Customer Area

Admin Area

Quick Start

  1. Run npm i to install package dependencies.

  2. Run cp .env.sample .env to create the configuration file.

    NOTE: Please make the proper changes in ".env" file.

    * For sending e-mails, you must create an account in SendGrid. Then, navigate to "Settings > API Keys" menu, generate a new key and change your config file using the generated token.

    * For using payments, you must create an account in Stripe. Then, navigate to "Developers > API Keys" menu, copy the Publishable/Secret keys and change your config file using these tokens. ** You must set an account name; otherwise, it will not work.

  3. Run docker-compose up --build to set up a quick database. ** You can skip this step if you don't want to use Docker.

    IMPORTANT: Before running above command, make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed. * It runs the docker-compose.yml file.

  4. Run npm run seed to Seed data into the database.

    This command creates a couple of products and the Admin user (Username: [email protected] / Password: password).

  5. Run npm run start:dev for starting the server.


  • Node.js & Javascript
  • MVC pattern & Express.js
  • EJS as templating engine
  • MongoDB database & Mongoose.js ODM
  • Session authentication & Password-Hashing with bcrypt
  • File uploads with Multer
  • Nodemailer for sending e-mails & SendGrid
  • Payment processing with Stripe
  • Pdfkit for generating PDF documents
  • Loggin files with Morgan


This app was created based on Maximilian Schwarzmüller's course. NodeJS - The Complete Guide.