
nvm wrapper for fish-shell

MIT License



NVM wrapper for fish-shell.


Make sure you have NVM installed first.

With Fisher

fisher install FabioAntunes/fish-nvm edc/bass

With oh-my-fish

omf install
omf install

With fundle

fundle plugin 'FabioAntunes/fish-nvm'
fundle plugin 'edc/bass'
fundle install

Add these lines to ~/.config/fish/

fundle plugin 'FabioAntunes/fish-nvm'
fundle plugin 'edc/bass'
fundle init

fish-nvm depends on bass


nvm install 6.11.1
nvm alias default 6.11.1

How it works

The way this plugin works is delaying sourcing NVM, until we really need it. That way we don't have those annoying 1/2 seconds of delay every time we open a new terminal window/tab.

By delaying the sourcing of NVM YOUR NODE BINARIES WON'T BE LOADED until you source NVM or run one of the following aliases. If you want to source NVM every single time you open a terminal just use bass

There are a couple of aliases already created. These will source NVM whenever you call them:

  • npm
  • yarn
  • node
  • nvm
  • npx

What this means is that if you depend on other node global packages, let's say gulp, if you try to run gulp in a new window/tab you will get something like Command unknown. One way to solve this is running nvm use default, or any of the aliases before using the command gulp. If you primarily depend on these global packages, that's far from great.

One possible way is for you to manually create your function inside ~/.config/fish/functions, so for gulp would be something like this:

function gulp -d "gulp task manager" -w gulp
  __nvm_run "gulp" $argv

To simplify this process there's an helper function on fish-nvm just run nvm_alias_function name, you can pass multiple packages names, separated by spaces:

nvm_alias_function gulp webpack grunt

This will create 3 functions on your functions folder ~/.config/fish/functions

Another common scenario is if you need to have the binary of the node or package available. For example, if you are a vim user, some plugins need access to the node binary. Since we only source NVM when we use one of the aliases, you will probably get an error saying that node isn't available

Again one possible way is for you to manually create an alias binary for node in the folder /usr/local/bin

touch /usr/local/bin/node

Open that file on your editor and paste the following:

#! /usr/bin/env fish

__nvm_run "node" $argv

Make that file executable:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/node

Test it

which node

To simplify this process there's another helper function nvm_alias_command

If you run nvm_alias_command without any arguments it will create the following aliases binaries by default:

  • npm
  • node
  • npx
  • yarn

To create additional aliases, you can pass them as arguments separated by spaces

nvm_alias_command eslint prettier

The default output path is /urs/local/bin, if you get an error message due to permissions, try running with sudo permissions:

sudo fish nvm_alias_command eslint prettier

To change the default output folder, you can set a global variable:

set -g nvm_alias_output /other/path

Please read these Notes:

Sometimes it might happen NVM is already sourced, with the wrong version, or not respecting your default version. Check your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile. If that's the case, remove the line that sources NVM.

Make sure you set a default node version or create a .nvmrc file on your working directory. fish-nvm will try to use the .nvmrc version specified, if the file exists, if there's no file it will try to use the default version.

If you don't use the .nvmrc file or if you don't set a default version, you will have to run nvm use node-version every time you open a new terminal and want to use node or npm

If you have a custom $NVM_DIR, please add the following line to your ~/.config/fish/, replacing the path accordingly:

set -gx NVM_DIR /path/to/nvm

Also, if you have a custom installation path but still set $NVM_DIR to default path. For example this could happen if you install NVM using brew, which would install NVM into: /usr/local/Cellar/nvm/%nvm_version%/

If that is the case, you need to add the following line to your ~/.config/fish/, replacing the path accordingly:

set -gx nvm_prefix /path/to/nvm


DO NOT use a trailing slash in NVM_DIR variable. Adding it will cause error: nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option


fish-nvm is MIT licensed.