
🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust

GPL-3.0 License


🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust


🌎 Cross-platform support (macOS, Windows, Linux)

✨ Single file, easy installation, instant startup

🚀 Built with speed in mind

📂 Works with .node-version and .nvmrc files


Using a script (macOS/Linux)

For bash, zsh and fish shells, there's an automatic installation script.

First ensure that curl and unzip are already installed on you operating system. Then execute:

curl -fsSL https://fnm.vercel.app/install | bash


On macOS, it is as simple as brew upgrade fnm.

On other operating systems, upgrading fnm is almost the same as installing it. To prevent duplication in your shell config file add --skip-shell to install command.



Set a custom directory for fnm to be installed. The default is $XDG_DATA_HOME/fnm (if $XDG_DATA_HOME is not defined it falls back to $HOME/.local/share/fnm on linux and $HOME/Library/Application Support/fnm on MacOS).


Skip appending shell specific loader to shell config file, based on the current user shell, defined in $SHELL. e.g. for Bash, $HOME/.bashrc. $HOME/.zshrc for Zsh. For Fish - $HOME/.config/fish/conf.d/fnm.fish


macOS installations using the installation script are deprecated in favor of the Homebrew formula, but this forces the script to install using it anyway.


curl -fsSL https://fnm.vercel.app/install | bash -s -- --install-dir "./.fnm" --skip-shell


Using Homebrew (macOS/Linux)

brew install fnm

Then, set up your shell for fnm

Using Winget (Windows)

winget install Schniz.fnm

Using Scoop (Windows)

scoop install fnm

Then, set up your shell for fnm

Using Chocolatey (Windows)

choco install fnm

Then, set up your shell for fnm

Using Cargo (Linux/macOS/Windows)

cargo install fnm

Then, set up your shell for fnm

Using a release binary (Linux/macOS/Windows)


To remove fnm (😢), just delete the .fnm folder in your home directory. You should also edit your shell configuration to remove any references to fnm (ie. read Shell Setup, and do the opposite).


fnm ships its completions with the binary:

fnm completions --shell <SHELL>

Where <SHELL> can be one of the supported shells:

  • bash
  • zsh
  • fish
  • powershell

Please follow your shell instructions to install them.

Shell Setup

Environment variables need to be setup before you can start using fnm. This is done by evaluating the output of fnm env.

[!NOTE] Check out the Configuration section to enable highly recommended features, like automatic version switching.

Adding a .node-version to your project is as simple as:

$ node --version
$ node --version > .node-version

Check out the following guides for the shell you use:


Add the following to your .bashrc profile:

eval "$(fnm env --use-on-cd --shell bash)"


Add the following to your .zshrc profile:

eval "$(fnm env --use-on-cd --shell zsh)"

Fish shell

Create ~/.config/fish/conf.d/fnm.fish and add this line to it:

fnm env --use-on-cd --shell fish | source


Add the following to the end of your profile file:

fnm env --use-on-cd --shell powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
  • For macOS/Linux, the profile is located at ~/.config/powershell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
  • On Windows to edit your profile you can run this in a PowerShell
    notepad $profile

Windows Command Prompt aka Batch aka WinCMD

fnm is also supported but is not entirely covered. You can set up a startup script for cmd.exe or Windows Terminal and append the following lines:

@echo off
:: for /F will launch a new instance of cmd so we create a guard to prevent an infnite loop
if not defined FNM_AUTORUN_GUARD (
    set "FNM_AUTORUN_GUARD=AutorunGuard"
    FOR /f "tokens=*" %%z IN ('fnm env --use-on-cd') DO CALL %%z

Usage with Cmder

Usage is very similar to the normal WinCMD install, apart for a few tweaks to allow being called from the cmder startup script. The example assumes that the CMDER_ROOT environment variable is set to the root directory of your Cmder installation. Then you can do something like this:

  • Make a .cmd file to invoke it
:: %CMDER_ROOT%\bin\fnm_init.cmd
@echo off
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%z IN ('fnm env --use-on-cd') DO CALL %%z
  • Add it to the startup script
:: %CMDER_ROOT%\config\user_profile.cmd
call "%CMDER_ROOT%\bin\fnm_init.cmd"

You can replace %CMDER_ROOT% with any other convenient path too.


See the available configuration options for an extended configuration documentation


See the available commands for an extended usage documentation


PRs welcome 🎉


# Install Rust
git clone https://github.com/Schniz/fnm.git
cd fnm/
cargo build

Running Binary:

cargo run -- --help # Will behave like `fnm --help`

Running Tests:

cargo test
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