
nodelogger is a Node.js module for logging messages with customizable severity levels and output formats.

APACHE-2.0 License



@ajayos/nodelogger is a Node.js module for logging messages with customizable severity levels and output formats.


To install @ajayos/nodelogger, run:

npm install @ajayos/nodelogger


First, import the module into your Node.js application:

const { default: Logger } = require("@ajayos/nodelogger");

Then, create an instance of the Logger class with the desired configuration options and start it:

const options = {
  timeZone: "Asia/Kolkata",
  hour: "numeric",
  minute: "numeric",
  hour12: true,
  filename: "logs/%DATE%.log",
  datePattern: "YYYY-MM/DD",
  zippedArchive: false,
  maxSize: "1g",
  level: "info",

const logger = new Logger(options);

Once the logger is started, you can log messages with the log method:

logger.error("This is an error message");
logger.warn("This is a warning message");"This is an info message");
logger.debug("This is a debug message");

You can also log messages with the default severity level by omitting the second argument:

logger.log("This is a default message");

To log a horizontal line, use:


To clear screen:



Additional example of how to use the package can be found in the example file.

Configuration Options

The following configuration options are available for the logger:

  • timeZone (string): The timezone to use for the log file (default: 'Asia/Kolkata')
  • hour (string): The hour format to use for the log file (default: 'numeric')
  • minute (string): The minute format to use for the log file (default: 'numeric')
  • hour12 (boolean): Whether to use 12-hour format or not. 1 for true, 0 for false (default: false)
  • filename (string): The file path with %DATE% as a placeholder for the date (default: 'logs/%DATE%.log')
  • datePattern (string): The date pattern for the filename (default: 'YYYY-MM/DD')
  • zippedArchive (boolean): Whether to zip the archived files or not (default: false)
  • maxSize (string): The maximum size of each log file before rotation (default: '1g')
  • level (string): The level of the log messages (default: 'info')

Only console log

Use logger.logs("This is a message") also logger.logs("This is a message", message type)

Message Types

The following message types are available for the log method:

  • info (or i): Informational message (green text)
  • warn (or w): Warning message (yellow text)
  • error (or e): Error message (red text)
  • debug (or d): Debug message (magenta text)
  • fatal (or f): Fatal message (white text on red background)
  • line (or l): Horizontal line (cyan text)

Output Format

The output format for each message type is as follows:

  • Informational message (green text): [timestamp] [*]> message
  • Warning message (yellow text): [timestamp] [!]> message
  • Error message (red text): [timestamp] [x]> message
  • Debug message (magenta text): [timestamp] [*]> message
  • Fatal message (white text on red background): [timestamp] [!]> message
  • Horizontal line (cyan text): >-----------------------------<


@ajayos/nodelogger is released under the Apache-2.0 License.