
whatsapp bot built on top of @whiskeysockets/baileys written in typescript.

GPL-3.0 License



A Multipurposes whatsapp bot built on top of @whiskeysockets/baileys written in Typescript


  • Command Handler: done by CommandLoader it will watch command file on command path recursively.
  • Event Handler: done by EventLoader it will watch event file on event path recursively.
  • Argument Parser: done by ArgumentParser it will iterate your payload to parse the message argument.
  • Command Based: the Command structures allow you to config your command as much as you want it to be.
  • Localization: done by Localization it will check through the languages dir to match remoteJid prefered language.
  • Type Safety: thanks to Typescript Turing Completed type system, it allow to write complex type to enforces type safety.
  • Code Lint: done by Eslint as linter and formatter by config @rakemoon/eslint-config

Project structures

| -- commands\          # collections of commands files
| -- events\            # collections of event files
| -- languages\         # collections of languages
| -- lib\
      | -- components\  # collections of components for run the task
      | -- structures\  # a classes based structures for creating new instance
      | -- util\        # and utilities stuff for many things.



  • [Node.JS]: Javascript runtime to run the project.
  • [Bun]: For dependencies management soon we will use this as runtime too.

Installing Dependencies

bun install


Because [Node.JS] only support Javascript, we must compile .ts file into .js.

bun run build


bash run start


Initializing Client

Its simple as piece of cake you can define it like this.

import Client from "#wayz/lib/structures/Client";

const client = new Client({
    // path to event files
    eventsPath: "./src/events",

    // path to command files
    commandsPath: "./src/commands",

    // collections of client prefix
    prefixes: ["!", "wayz"],

    // collections of owners phone number
    // exp: 6288xxxxxxx22
    ownersPhoneNumber: [process.env.BOTS_OWNER_1!],

    // are yourselft going to be a bot or another acccount ?
    // when its set to true, that mean your account will run the client
    // and it will just replying to your command
    // good for selft use when you dont have any phone numbers
    selfbot: true

// then use Client#init to initialize the client
await client.init();

Creating Command

You can create the command in your command path and magically it will be watched by [CommnadLoader]


// Import the structure from structures collections
import Command from "#wayz/lib/structures/Command";

// This function allow you to omit some whitespace from template literal string
import { stripIndent } from "#wayz/lib/util/string";

// we initialice new instance Command and export it as default import
// NOTE: CommandLoader will not recognice it if itsn't imported as default
export default new Command()
    .setName("addition") // We set the command name, the command will invoked by the name.
    .setDescription("add between two numbers") // Add the description to display in help command.
    .addAlias("add", "a") // Add aliases or short-hand to invoke the command.
    .setCooldown(5 * 1_000) // the set cooldown recive time in milis. so user can use this command if 5 seconds has passed.
    .setOwnerOnly(false) // Is command just want invoked by owners ? if yes set it to true
    .addArgument([  // adding argument, this can recieve function with parameter Argument.Builder or the Argument.Builder instance itself
        build => build
            .setName("numberOne") //set the key to the numberOne
            .setType("number") // set the type to number
            .setMatch("single") // set the match to single
            .setOptional(false), // set as mandatory
        build => build
    .setExec(async (msg, args) => { // this recive function with parameter Message and Argument we've defined earliear.
        // addition between two arguments
        const result = args.numberOne + args.numberTwo;

        // this text we will send.
        const text = stripIndent`
            You've running the holy \`additon\` command!
            So the additon of *${args.numberOne}* by *${args.numberTwo}*,
            is equal to *${result}*

            > ${args.numberOne} + ${args.numberTwo} = ${result}

        //send it!
        await msg.client.sock?.sendMessage(msg.key.remoteJid!, { text });