
Remote Control Over HTTP API - Unix Power Commands - Shutdown, Restart etc For Homebridge Apple HomeKit Appliance Protocol (IOT)

APACHE-2.0 License


Unix Remote Control (IOT)

Runs Scripts on Mac/Linux remotely.

Why :

I was setting up homebridge (iOS HomeKit Accesory Protocol) on my rasberryPi and after hooking up my IR Blaster, RF Transmitter and other wake-on-lan devices. I wanted my always-on OSX Laptop to also be remotely controlled by my iOS Device. So i ended up writing up a small plugin for Homebridge plugin.

I use this to play itunes, search google and bookmark search results, restart my system, get room temperature using MBP in-build Temp Sensor and adjust airconditioning accordingly, monitor my ec-2 instance stats, sync Spotify Playlist etc.

Homebridge Plugin => homebridge-unixcontrol

How it Works :

This library is directly injected into homebridge with a plugin wrapper => homebridge-unixcontrol

The plugin queries the system using HTTP API and run shell scripts. The shell requires sudo access to shutdown/reboot the system. More commands can be easily be injected. Feel free to PR.

You can ask Siri to execute commands :

Hey Siri, Shutdown my laptop

Hey Siri, play iTunes Playlist

Hey Siri, Good Morning ! // Plays Music, Backups OSX, Search for Google Alerts, Turns Off Air Conditioner

Hey Siri, Capture Laptop Webcam

Hey Siri, Who's using my laptop

Todo :

  • Add Linux Support
  • Add Windows Support
  • Refactor With Promises
  • Replace HTTP API with socket connection.
  • Implement a working Example
  • Security Concerns

Installation :

 $ npm install -g unix-remotecontrol

Starting Server :

 $ unixremote

Running Forever

 $ npm install -g forever
 $ git clone https://github.com/sahilchaddha/unix-remoteControl.git && cd unix-remoteControl
 $ forever start src/server.js

Configuration :

Configuration containing sudo password, port number, logLevel & sessionToken are stored in environment.js in root/src.

To Open Configuration for global module :

 $ unixremote --config

Sample Configuration :

var env = {
    port: '3000',
    pass: 'lol', //sudo password TODO: Secure
    logLevel: 'info',
    sessionToken: 'f64f2940-fae4-11e7-8c5f-ef356f279131'

module.exports = env

Config Parameters

Fields Description
port Port Number to run HTTP Server.
pass System Sudo Password
logLevel Log Level (debug, info, error)
sessionToken Random Session Token for API Authentication.

NOTE: sessionToken needs to be set as Request Header token

Usage :

After Running the server, You can request



POST localhost:3000/power/shutdown
        "time": 10
curl --header "token: f64f2940-fae4-11e7-8c5f-ef356f27913" -X POST localhost:3000/power/logout

curl --header "token: f64f2940-fae4-11e7-8c5f-ef356f27913" "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"time":10}' localhost:3000/power/restart 

curl --header "token: f64f2940-fae4-11e7-8c5f-ef356f27913" "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"destination":"AppleMusic"}' localhost:3000/music/syncSpotify

Sample Scripts/Commands :

Power Command Type



POST localhost:3000/power/restart
        "time": 10
Command Method Description Params Sudo
/ping GET Pings to get server state (on/off) None false
/halt POST Shutdowns immediately & forcibly (Can cause data loss) None true
/shutdown POST Shut downs the system time (minutes) : Delays Shutdown in minutes true
/restart POST Restarts the system time (minutes) : Delays Shutdown in minutes true
/logout POST Logs Out the user (OSX Only) None false
/sleep POST Turns the System to Sleep None false
/displaySleep POST Turns the Display to Sleep None false
/cancelShutdown POST Cancels Scheduled Shutdown/Restart Task None true

System Stats Command Type




Command Method Description Params Sudo
/temperature GET Returns current Temperature of CPU None false
/cpuLoad GET Returns current CPU Load None false
/ram GET Returns current Ram Status None false
/storage GET Returns current Storage Stats None false
/battery GET Returns current Battery Information None false

Browser Command Type



Command Method Description Params Sudo
/googleChromeReset POST Clear all data of google chrome and reset None false
/safariClearHistory POST Clear histroy of safari None false

NOTE: For safariClearHistory you will have to add terminal or whatever command line tool you are using should be added in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Accessibility. When you run this command for the first time there will a prompt to add command line tool in Accessibility.

Wi-fi Command Type



Command Method Description Params Sudo
/status GET Returns Wifi Enabled/Disabled Status (OS X Only) None false
/on POST Turn on wifi (OS X Only) None false
/off POST Turn off wifi (OS X Only) None false
/connect POST Connect to wifi (OS X Only) name: wifi name, password: wifi password false

Bluetooth Command Type



Command Method Description Params Sudo
/status GET Returns Bluetooth Enabled/Disabled Status (OS X Only) None false
/on POST Turn on Bluetooth (OS X Only) None false
/off POST Turn off Bluetooth (OS X Only) None false
/showPairingAlert POST Show pairing alert or pair with any BLE enabled device (OS X Only) deviceName: Bluetooth name of device with percentage encoding false
/toggle POST Toggle device bluetooth connection (OS X Only) deviceName: Bluetooth name of device with percentage encoding false

NOTE: blueutil is added as a depedancy for Bluetooth Connections. It will be automatically installed during npm install. Its added as postInstall Script in package.json. If for some reason installation of blueutil fails, you can manually install blueutil brew install blueutil

System Spy Command Type




        "message": "Heeeyyy !!! Hooooo !!!"
        "title": "heyyy",
        "message": "hooo"
Command Method Description Params Sudo
/screenshot POST Screenshots Current Screen, Saves & returns image (OSX Only) None false
/webcamCapture POST Clicks Camera Still, Saves & returns image (OSX Only) None false
/screenRecord POST Starts Screen Recording (OSX Only) time (In Minutes): Start recording for specific time. Here time is optional if you want to run this command forever than do not pass any arguments false
/camRecord POST Starts Camera Recording (OSX Only) time (In Minutes): Start recording for specific time. Here time is optional if you want to run this command forever than do not pass any arguments false
/alert POST Shows Alert to User message: Message to Show Alert false
/notify POST Shows Notification to User title: Title For Notification, message: Message false
/isRecording GET Returns Recording Status (OSX Only) type : screen or cam type of recording false

Music Command Type



        "volume": 10
Command Method Description Params Sudo
/youtubePlaylist POST Opens Youtube & Starts Playing Playlist defined in environment.js (OSX Only) None false
/itunesPlaylist POST Opens iTunes & Starts Playing Playlist defined in environment.js (OSX Only) None false
/setVolume POST Sets New Volume (OSX Only) volume: volume to be set. Should be between 0 to 10 false
/getVolume GET Returns Current Volume (OSX Only) None false
/mute POST Mutes the System (OSX Only) None false
/unmute POST UnMutes the System (OSX Only) None false
/isMuted GET Returns Mute Status (OSX Only) None false

Todo Scripts :

  • Remote System Backup
  • Remote System Format (Need extra OSX Device to test. :P )

Writing Custom Scripts :

Cloning the Repo :

 $ git clone https://github.com/sahilchaddha/unix-remoteControl.git && cd unix-remoteControl
 $ node src/server.js
 $ npm start

Creating Your Router :

You can create your custom router inside Routes folder.

var router = require('express').Router() // Create New Router
var commandService = require('../Services/CommandService.js')

router.get('/hello', function (req, res) {
  // Run Your npm commands
  // or call Shell Scripts using Command Service

    commandService.execute('dummy', 'sayHello', options, function(){})

module.exports = router

Adding your Router to Valid Routes :

Add your custom router inside routes.js

var powerRouter = require('./Routes/PowerRouter.js')
var dummyRouter = require('./Routes/DummyRouter.js')

var routes = [
        url: '/power',
        routerClass: powerRouter
        url: '/dummy',
        routerClass: dummyRouter

module.exports = routes

Adding Your Shell Scripts :

You can use Command Service to execute commands :

To add Commands, you can inject your commands inside Commands/commands.js

var dummyCommands = {
    sayHello: {
        command: ['say', 'hello'],
        sudo: false // Set as true if command need sudo access

module.exports = {
    // power: powerCommands,
    dummy: dummyCommands

Apple Scripts

Apple scripts in format .scpt are to be injected inside AppleScripts folder.

You can add command inside commands.js

var dummyCommands = {
    sayHello: {
        command: ['say', 'hello'],
        sudo: false // Set as true if command need sudo access
    runAppleScript: {
        command: ['osascript', 'src/Commands/AppleScripts/dummyAS.scpt'],
        sudo: false

module.exports = {
    // power: powerCommands,
    dummy: dummyCommands

Homebridge on Raspberry Pi :

Homebridge Configuration :


On Pi :

$ ssh [email protected] // Your Pi Local Address
$ npm install -g homebridge
$ npm install -g homebridge-unixcontrol

// Configure Homebridge config.json

On Unix System (For Remote Access) :

$ npm install -g unix-remotecontrol
$ unixremote --config //Setup Your Configuration
$ unixremote

Credits :

Sahil Chaddha ([email protected])

Sumit Chudasama ([email protected])

Reference :