
KeyValuePairStore is a versatile key-value data storage project, utilizing JSON serialization for various data types. With DeltaTime for versioning and customizable options, it offers simple yet powerful data management. Contributions welcome. -ChatGPT ;)

MIT License



KeyValuePairStore is a project that provides a key-value store for storing data. The data is stored in a file and can be of any type that can be serialized to JSON.



The DeltaTime class represents a time span with properties for years, months, days, and hours. This class is a support class for KeyValueStore where it determines the timedelta used for versioning of the keypairs. The DeltaTime class has the following properties:

  • Years: Represents the number of years in the time span.
  • Months: Represents the number of months in the time span.
  • Days: Represents the number of days in the time span.
  • Hours: Represents the number of hours in the time span.
  • IsOff: A boolean value that indicates whether the time span is turned off. This property is set automatically and does not require user input.


The KeyValueStore class provides a key-value store for storing data. It allows you to set and get values by key. The values are stored in a file and can be of any type that can be serialized to JSON. The KeyValueStore class has the following key methods:

  • Set: This method allows you to set a value for a given key. The value is serialized to JSON and stored in a file.
  • Get: This method allows you to get the value for a given key. The value is deserialized from JSON.

The KeyValueStore constructor does not require any parameters. However, it does have optional parameters:

  • filePath: If provided, this is where the key-value pairs and settings will be/are stored.
  • continuesStoreTime: A DeltaTime object, this is the time span used for versioning of the keyvaluepairs.
  • cleanUpTime: An integer that specifies how many iterations to keep a version of a key before it gets removed at clean up.
  • OverwriteSetting: A boolean that determines whether existing settings in the json should be overwritten.

If these parameters are not provided, the KeyValueStore will use default values.

Next to Get and Set there are also the following methods:

Method Parameters Output Description
SetString string key, string value, bool straightKey* none This set a string in the KeyValueStore, straightKey put the plain keyName in the store without any time processing
SetInt string key, int value, bool straightKey* none This set a int in the KeyValueStore, straightKey put the plain keyName in the store without any time processing
SetDouble string key, double value, bool straightKey* none This set a double in the KeyValueStore, straightKey put the plain keyName in the store without any time processing
SetLong string key, long value, bool straightKey* none This set a long in the KeyValueStore, straightKey put the plain keyName in the store without any time processing
SetChar string key, char value, bool straightKey* none This set a char in the KeyValueStore, straightKey put the plain keyName in the store without any time processing
SetBool string key, bool value, bool straightKey* none This set a bool in the KeyValueStore, straightKey put the plain keyName in the store without any time processing
GetString string key, int iterationsAgo*, DateTime lookupDate*, bool straightLookup* string This get a string from the KeyValueStore, IterationsAgo gives you how many DeltaTimes old you want this Value to be, lookupDate is the startdate for this IterationsAgo and straightLookup ignores all setting and just get it based on the plain key
GetInt string key, int iterationsAgo*, DateTime lookupDate*, bool straightLookup* int This get a int from the KeyValueStore, IterationsAgo gives you how many DeltaTimes old you want this Value to be, lookupDate is the startdate for this IterationsAgo and straightLookup ignores all setting and just get it based on the plain key
GetDouble string key, int iterationsAgo*, DateTime lookupDate*, bool straightLookup* double This get a double from the KeyValueStore, IterationsAgo gives you how many DeltaTimes old you want this Value to be, lookupDate is the startdate for this IterationsAgo and straightLookup ignores all setting and just get it based on the plain key
GetLong string key, int iterationsAgo*, DateTime lookupDate*, bool straightLookup* long This get a long from the KeyValueStore, IterationsAgo gives you how many DeltaTimes old you want this Value to be, lookupDate is the startdate for this IterationsAgo and straightLookup ignores all setting and just get it based on the plain key
GetChar string key, int iterationsAgo*, DateTime lookupDate*, bool straightLookup* char This get a char from the KeyValueStore, IterationsAgo gives you how many DeltaTimes old you want this Value to be, lookupDate is the startdate for this IterationsAgo and straightLookup ignores all setting and just get it based on the plain key
GetBool string key, int iterationsAgo*, DateTime lookupDate*, bool straightLookup* bool This get a bool from the KeyValueStore, IterationsAgo gives you how many DeltaTimes old you want this Value to be, lookupDate is the startdate for this IterationsAgo and straightLookup ignores all setting and just get it based on the plain key
GetKeys bool WithDateTime* List This get all the keys in the KeyValueStore, If WithdateTime is true you also get all the date version like Key2024 & Key2023 instead of only key
GetStore none Dictionary<string, object> This just returns the store itself
GetSettings none Dictionary<string, object> This just returns the settings themselves
GetKeyVersion string key Dictionary<int, string> This returns a dictionary with the iteration back and the corresponding date (in string) for the given key
GetKeysVersions none Dictionary<string, List> This returns a dictionary with all the keys and their corresponding dates (in string)
GetKeysIterations none Dictionary<string, List> This returns a dictionary with all the keys and their corresponding iterations back

💡 note: * Means that the parameter is optional.

Getting Started

You can get started with the KeyValuePairStore project by installing the NuGet package. You can do this by running the following command in the Package Manager Console:

paket add KeyValuePairStore --version 1.2.0

After this basic usage is very simple, here a simple demo:

KeyValueStore keyValueStore = new KeyValueStore();
int index = keyValueStore.GetInt("demokey");
keyValueStore.SetInt("demokey", index);
Console.WriteLine("Value of demokey: " + index);

the first output will be 1, the second time you run the code it will be 2, and so on. The value is stored in a file and will be kept even if you close the application.

💡 note: if you get a key that does not exist it wil return 0 (or the equivalent for the type requested).

more advanced demo with Deltatime

this is a more advanced demo where we use the DeltaTime class to create a yearly report. For this report we have a few event that increment a counter, and we want to keep track of the yearly count. Or store some data.

DeltaTime deltaTime = new DeltaTime(1, 0, 0, 0);
KeyValueStore keyValueStore = new KeyValueStore(continuesStoreTime: deltaTime, cleanUpTime: 5); // clean up data older then 5 years (aka 5 * DeltaTime)
int FileProcessCount = keyValueStore.GetInt("FileProcessCount");
keyValueStore.SetInt("FileProcessCount", FileProcessCount);
int SomeRandomData = Random.Next(0, 100);
keyValueStore.SetInt("SomeRandomData", SomeRandomData);
// now for the data of this year so far
Console.WriteLine("FileProcessCount: " + keyValueStore.GetInt("FileProcessCount"));
Console.WriteLine("SomeRandomData: " + keyValueStore.GetInt("SomeRandomData"));
// now for the data of last year
Console.WriteLine("FileProcessCount last year: " + keyValueStore.GetInt("FileProcessCount", 1));
Console.WriteLine("SomeRandomData last year: " + keyValueStore.GetInt("SomeRandomData", 1));

💡 note: All get functions will return a InvalidCastException if the data is not of the type requested, exept the char this will convert ints to char folling the Convert.ToChar() documentation.


Contributions to the KeyValuePairStore project are welcome. If you have a feature request, bug report, or want to contribute code, please open an issue or pull request on the GitHub repository.


The KeyValuePairStore project is licensed under the terms of the license included in the LICENSE.txt file.

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