
A lightweight utility for console application debugging. Great for multi-threaded and asynchronous operations that may be doing background work or networking.

MIT License




ConsoleDebugger is a lightweight utility designed for console applications that involve multiple asynchronous operations, background processes, and network activities. It provides functionalities to log debug messages, play audible beeps, and dynamically track float variables with a contnious tone, making it useful for debugging and monitoring applications with complex behavior. ConsoleDebugger is ideal for console applications where you have multiple asynchronous methods, background processes, or network operations and need a way to keep track of multiple moving parts.


To use ConsoleDebugger in your C# console application, follow these steps:

  1. Install the ConsoleDebugger package via NuGet Package Manager:
dotnet add package ConsoleDebugger --version 1.0.3
  1. Copy the ConsoleDebugger.cs file into your project directory.

  2. Include using ConsoleDebugger.ConsoleDebugger; or optionally for a more functional approach using static ConsoleDebugger.ConsoleDebugger; at the top of your C# files where you want to use ConsoleDebugger functionalities.

Demonstration (Audio)


Logging Debug Messages

You can log debug messages with different colors and message types using the DebugMessage function:

Result result = SomeNetworkFunction() // example funtion
ConsoleDebugger.DebugMessage("We started the network function.");
if(result == Good){
   //denote network results in blue
   ConsoleDebugger.DebugMessage($"Here's the results {result}", ConsoleColor.Blue);
} else {
   ConsoleDebugger.DebugMessage($"Critical error occurred: {result.Message}", MessageType.Critical);

Optional File Logging

You can enable file logging for debug messages by calling the StartLogging function:


To stop file logging, use the StopLogging function:


File logging is configured in the LoggingConfiguration class, where you can set options such as log style (CSV or plain text) and timestamp inclusion.

Note: Ensure proper error handling and file management practices when using file logging to avoid potential issues with file access and resources.

Playing Audible Beeps

You can enqueue requests to play audible beeps with specific pitches and durations using the DebugBeep function:

ConsoleDebugger.DebugBeep(TonePitch.Do, ToneLength.Short);
ConsoleDebugger.DebugBeep(TonePitch.Re, ToneLength.Short);
ConsoleDebugger.DebugBeep(TonePitch.Mi, ToneLength.Medium);
ConsoleDebugger.DebugBeep(TonePitch.Fa, ToneLength.Medium);
ConsoleDebugger.DebugBeep(TonePitch.Sol, ToneLength.Long);

Tracking Float Variables

You can start tracking float variables dynamically and generate tones based on their values using the StartTrackingFloat function:

float valueToTrack = 0.0f;
FloatSynthesizer synthesizer = ConsoleDebugger.StartTrackingFloat(ref valueToTrack, 0.0f, 100.0f);


float valueToTrack = 0.0f;
StartTrackingFloat(ref valueToTrack, 0.0f, 100.0f);

As valueToTrack fluctuates, it will become more audible the closer to the maximum value that it gets. The closer it gets to the minimum value, the less audible and more quiet it will become. This can be useful in scenarios where you may be receiving large quantities of represenative data within a certain range, or may be preforming algorithmic operations, and need some way to better understand how the values are being effected.

Functions Details

DebugMessage(string message)

Enqueues a basic debug message to the processing queue.

DebugMessage(string message, ConsoleColor color)

Enqueues a debug message with a specified foreground color.

DebugMessage(string message, MessageType type)

Enqueues a debug message with an associated message type (General, Warning, Critical).

DebugBeep(TonePitch pitch, ToneLength duration)

Enqueues a request to play an audible beep with a specified pitch and duration.

StartTrackingFloat(ref float target, float minrange, float maxrange) : FloatSynthesizer

Begins monitoring a float variable, generating a tone whose pitch changes dynamically based on the variable's value within a specified range.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.