
EF Core Auditing made easy - Track entity changes, handle deletions, and manage versioning with optimistic concurrency control.

MIT License



Pandatech.EFCore.AuditBase is a comprehensive auditing library for Entity Framework Core, designed to make entity tracking, deletion management, and concurrency control straightforward and efficient.


  • Automatic Auditing: Automatically tracks creation and update times, along with the corresponding user IDs.
  • Soft Delete Support: Implements soft deletion logic, allowing entities to be marked as deleted without physical
    removal from the database.
  • Concurrency Control: Integrates versioning to handle concurrency, minimizing data conflicts.
  • Enforced Best Practices: Enforces the use of provided methods for updates and deletions, ensuring consistent audit
  • Query Filter Management: Allows for the exclusion of soft-deleted entities from queries, with an option to include
    them when necessary.
  • Seamless Integration: Designed to integrate smoothly with EF Core projects, enhancing data integrity and

Getting Started

To integrate Pandatech.EFCore.AuditBase into your project, install the NuGet package:

Install-Package Pandatech.EFCore.AuditBase


  1. Inherit from AuditEntityBase in your entity classes to enable auditing.
  2. Use MarkAsUpdated(userId) and MarkAsDeleted(userId) methods to handle entity updates and deletions.
  3. Apply DbContextExtensions.UseAuditPropertyValidation in your DbContext to enforce audit method usage.
  4. Leverage ModelBuilderExtensions.FilterOutDeletedMarkedObjects to automatically exclude soft-deleted entities from
    EF Core queries.

Entity Inheritance Example:

Assuming you have a Product entity in your application, you would inherit from AuditEntityBase to include auditing properties:

using Pandatech.VerticalSlices.Domain.Shared;

public class Product : AuditEntityBase
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }

By inheriting from AuditEntityBase, Product automatically gains auditing properties like CreatedAt, CreatedByUserId, UpdatedAt, UpdatedByUserId, Deleted and Version.

Using MarkAsUpdated and MarkAsDeleted:

When updating or deleting an entity, use the provided methods to ensure the audit properties are correctly updated:

public void UpdateProduct(Product product, long updatingUserId)
    // Perform your update logic...
    product.MarkAsUpdated(updatingUserId); //optional UpdatedAt DateTime parameter

public void DeleteProduct(Product product, long deletingUserId)
    product.MarkAsDeleted(deletingUserId); //optional UpdatedAt DateTime parameter

DbContext Configuration:

In your DbContext, ensure you call UseAuditPropertyValidation to enforce the usage of audit methods and FilterOutDeletedMarkedObjects to apply the global filter for soft-deleted entities:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Pandatech.VerticalSlices.Infrastructure.Context;

public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

        modelBuilder.FilterOutDeletedMarkedObjects(); // Apply global query filter for soft deletes

    public MyDbContext(DbContextOptions<MyDbContext> options) : base(options)
        this.UseAuditPropertyValidation(); // Enforce audit method usage

Using ExecuteSoftDeleteAsync:

To perform a soft delete on multiple entities, use the ExecuteSoftDeleteAsync extension method.

public async Task SoftDeleteProductsAsync(MyDbContext dbContext, long userId)
    var productsToSoftDelete = dbContext.Products.Where(p => p.Price > 100);

    await productsToSoftDelete.ExecuteSoftDeleteAsync(userId);

Ignoring Soft Delete Filter:

If you need to include soft-deleted entities in a specific query, use IgnoreQueryFilters():

var allProductsIncludingDeleted = _dbContext.Products.IgnoreQueryFilters().ToList();

Handling Concurrency

The AuditEntityBase includes a versioning mechanism to manage concurrent updates. In the event of a conflict, a concurrency exception will be thrown. This can be gracefully handled using try-catch blocks or integrated with Pandatech.ResponseCrafter for automated response management. This concurrency control is enabled by default and is not locking the row as it uses optimistic lock.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to propose changes or report bugs.


Pandatech.EFCore.AuditBase is licensed under the MIT License.

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