
Developer utility for loading custom plugins into Control Center on iOS 7 and higher.



Available to download from Cydia:


CCLoader loads custom sections into the iOS 7 Control Center. Templates for creating a CCLoader plugin are available for theos and for iOSOpenDev:

Replacing Stock Control Center Sections

Stock Control Center sections can also be replaced with a custom bundle. The NIC template will ask you for which section ID should be replaced. The Section IDs that can be replaced with CCLoader are: CCLoader checks for CCReplacingStockSectionID in the bundle's Info.plist file. if any of the above values is given for that key then the corresponding stock section will be replaced. Otherwise the bundle will be recognized as a new section for Control Center. A custom section that replaced a stock section has two options regarding the sections height: The custom section can return CGFLOAT_MIN as sectionHeight, in that case the height of the section that is replaced will be used. If the custom section returns anything other than CGFLOAT_MIN then that height will be used. This functionality is limited to iPone/iPod touch and to portrait mode. In landscape or on an iPad the height of the section that is being replaced will be used.

iPad Support

The only feature that works on iPads is to replace stock sections. New sections cannot be added to the iPad's Control Center (as of now).


Contributing to the project is much appreciated. Feel free to fork and modify the project and open pull requests.

You can contact me on Twitter: @JonasGessner.


Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivs.

See the full license.


2014, Created by Jonas Gessner

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