
Cross-platform simple 3d engine

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



Welcome to the GraphToys project! This repository contains a collection of various graphical models and simulations, showcasing different aspects of computer graphics and simulation techniques.

Building the Project

You can build the project using either make or CMake. Both options are supported.


  • Ensure you have either make or CMake installed on your system.
  • Git should be installed for managing submodules.
  • vulkan headers, vulkan libs, glslc, glfw3, freetype2

Steps to Build

  1. Clone the Repository: First, clone this repository to your local machine using:
    git clone
  2. Initialize and Update Git Submodules: Before building, initialize and download the necessary git submodules:
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  3. Build the Project:
    • Using make:
    • Using CMake:
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake ..

Running the Application

After building, you can run the application using the following command:

./main.exe model_name --cfg config-file

Replace model_name with the name of the model you want to run, and config-file with the path to your configuration file if needed.


Here are the models you can explore in this project:

  1. torus: A simple rotating torus model.
  2. triangle: A basic triangle shape.
  3. mandelbrot: Visualization of the Mandelbrot set.
  4. mandelbulb: A 3D analog of the Mandelbrot set.
  5. stl: Loads a model in STL format from a file.
  6. particles: A particle model with calculations based on Newton's laws.
  7. particles2: A particle model using only vertex shaders for calculations.
  8. particles3: Particle model algorithms using PM and P3M.
  9. poisson: Solves the Poisson equation (no visualization).
  10. gltf: Loads a model in GLTF format.
  11. test: A simple test with rotating figures.

Configuration File Format for GraphToys Project

The configuration file for the GraphToys project uses the INI format, which is a simple, standard format for configuration files. The file is divided into sections, each marked by a header in square brackets ([]). Here's a breakdown of the sections and parameters you can set:

[render] Section

This section is used to configure rendering settings.

  • api: Set the graphics API to be used. You can choose between vulkan and opengl.

    api = vulkan


    api = opengl
  • width: Define the width of the rendering window in pixels.

    width = 800
  • height: Define the height of the rendering window in pixels.

    height = 600
  • vsync: Set this to on or off to enable or disable vertical synchronization.

    vsync = on


    vsync = off

[model_name] Sections

Each model in the GraphToys project has its own dedicated section in the configuration file. The section name corresponds to the name of the model (for example, [torus], [triangle], etc.).

In these sections, you can specify various parameters that are unique to each model. It's recommended to refer to the source code in models/model_name.c for detailed information on what parameters can be set for each specific model.

For example, if you're configuring the torus model, you would look for parameters in the models/torus.c file and set them in the [torus] section of your configuration file.

Example Configuration File

Here's an example of what a configuration file might look like:

api = vulkan
width = 1024
height = 768
vsync = off

; torus-specific settings

; triangle-specific settings

; mandelbrot-specific settings


  • Ensure the format and syntax are correctly followed to avoid any parsing errors.
  • Since the parameters for each model can vary significantly, it's crucial to consult the source files for the correct options and their expected values.
