
CPAN overlay system



package App::opan;

use strictures 2;

our $VERSION = '0.003005';

use Dist::Metadata; use File::Open qw(fopen); use List::UtilsBy qw(sort_by); use IPC::System::Simple qw(capture); use Mojo::Util qw(monkey_patch); use Mojo::File qw(path); use Import::Into;

our %TOKENS = map { $_=>1 } split/:/, $ENV{OPAN_AUTH_TOKENS} || '';

sub cpan_fetch { my $app = shift; my $url = Mojo::URL->new(shift)->to_abs($app->cpan_url); my $tx = $app->ua->get($url); return $tx->res unless my $err = $tx->error; die sprintf "%s %s: %s\n", $tx->req->method, $url, $err->{message}; }

sub packages_header { my ($count) = @_; (my $str = <<" HEADER") =~ s/^ //mg; File: 02packages.details.txt Description: Package names found in directory $CPAN/authors/id/ Columns: package name, version, path Intended-For: Automated fetch routines, namespace documentation. Written-By: App::opan Line-Count: ${count} Last-Updated: ${\scalar gmtime} GMT

HEADER return $str; }

sub extract_provides_from_tarball { my ($tarball) = @_; Dist::Metadata->new(file => $tarball)->package_versions; }

sub pod_section { my ($cmd, $for_description) = @_; my $fh = fopen FILE;

my $pod = ''; while (<$fh>) { /^=head3 $cmd\s*$/ && last } while (<$fh>) { /^=head/ && last || ($pod .= $_) }

if ($for_description) { $pod = $pod =~ m!\n(\S+.*?.)(?:\s|$)!s ? $1 : "$0 $cmd --help for more info"; $pod =~ s![\n\r]+! !g; $pod =~ s![\s.]+$!!; }

$pod =~ s!\b[CIL]</?([^>]+)>!$1!g; # Remove C<...> pod notation return $pod; }

sub provides_to_packages_entries { my ($path, $provides) = @_;

<@mst> ok, I officially have no idea what order 02packages is actually in

<@rjbs> $list .= join "", sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} @listing02;

[ map +[ $, defined($provides->{$}) ? $provides->{$_} : 'undef', $path ], sort_by { lc } keys %$provides ] }

sub entries_from_packages_file { my ($file) = @_; my $fh = fopen $file; while (my $header = <$fh>) { last if $header =~ /^$/; } my @entries; while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp($line); push @entries, [ split /\s+/, $line ]; } return @entries; }

sub merge_packages_entries { my ($base, $merge_these) = @_; return $base unless $merge_these; my @merged; my @to_merge = @$merge_these; foreach my $idx (0..$#$base) { while (@to_merge and lc($to_merge[0][0]) lt lc($base->[$idx][0])) { push @merged, shift @to_merge; } push @merged, ( (@to_merge and $to_merge[0][0] eq $base->[$idx][0]) ? shift @to_merge : $base->[$idx] ); } push @merged, @to_merge; return @merged; }

sub write_packages_file { my ($file, $entries) = @; my $fh = fopen $file, 'w'; print $fh packages_header(scalar @$entries); local * = sub { # mirroring 'sub rewrite02 {' in lib/PAUSE/ # see for the whole thing my ($one, $two) = (30, 8); if (length($[0]) > $one) { $one += 8 - length($[1]); $two = length($[1]); } sprintf "%-${one}s %${two}s %s\n", @; }; print $fh (@$) for @$entries; close $fh; path("${file}.gz")->spurt(scalar capture(gzip => -c => $file)); }

sub add_dist_to_index { my ($index, $dist) = @_; my $existing = entries_from_packages_file($index); my ($path) = $dist =~ m{pans/[a-z]+/dists/(.*)}; write_packages_file( $index, merge_packages_entries( $existing, provides_to_packages_entries( $path, extract_provides_from_tarball($dist) ), ) ); }

sub remove_dist_from_index { my ($index, $dist) = @; my $existing = entries_from_packages_file($index); my $exclude = qr/\Q${dist}\E$/; write_packages_file( $index, [ grep $->[2] !~ $exclude, @$existing ], ); }

my @pan_names = qw(upstream custom pinset combined nopin);

sub do_init { my ($app) = @; path("pans/$/dists")->make_path for @pan_names; write_packages_file("pans/$_/index", []) for qw(custom pinset); do_pull($app); }

sub do_fetch { my ($app) = @_; path('pans/upstream/index.gz')->spurt( cpan_fetch($app, 'modules/02packages.details.txt.gz')->body ); path('pans/upstream/index')->spurt( scalar capture qw(gzip -dc), 'pans/upstream/index.gz' ); }

sub do_merge { my ($app) = @_; my $upstream = entries_from_packages_file('pans/upstream/index'); my $pinset = entries_from_packages_file('pans/pinset/index'); my $custom = entries_from_packages_file('pans/custom/index');

my $nopin = merge_packages_entries($upstream, $custom); write_packages_file('pans/nopin/index', $nopin);

my $combined = merge_packages_entries( $upstream, merge_packages_entries($pinset, $custom) ); write_packages_file('pans/combined/index', $combined); }

sub do_pull { my ($app) = @_; do_fetch($app); do_merge($app); }

sub do_add { my ($app, $path_arg) = @_; my $path = path($path_arg); my $pan_dir = path('pans/custom/dists/M/MY/MY')->make_path; $path->copy_to(my $pan_path = $pan_dir->child($path->basename)) or die "Failed to copy ${path} into custom pan: $!"; add_dist_to_index('pans/custom/index', $pan_path); }

sub do_unadd { my ($app, $dist) = @_; remove_dist_from_index('pans/custom/index', $dist); }

sub do_pin { my ($app, $path_arg) = @_; $path_arg =~ /^(([A-Z])[A-Z])[A-Z]/ and $path_arg = join('/', $2, $1, $path_arg); my $path = path($path_arg); my $res = cpan_fetch($app, "authors/id/$path"); path("pans/pinset/dists/")->child($path->dirname)->make_path; add_dist_to_index('pans/pinset/index', path("pans/pinset/dists/$path")->spurt($res->body)); }

sub do_unpin { my ($app, $dist) = @_; remove_dist_from_index('pans/pinset/index', $dist); }

sub generate_purgelist { my @list; foreach my $pan (qw(pinset custom)) { my %indexed = map +("pans/${pan}/dists/".$_->[2] => 1), @{entries_from_packages_file("pans/${pan}/index")}; foreach my $file (sort glob "pans/${pan}/dists////") { push @list, $file unless $indexed{$file}; } } return @list; }

sub do_purgelist { print "$_\n" for &generate_purgelist; }

sub do_purge { unlink($_) for &generate_purgelist; }

sub run_with_server { my ($app, $run, $pan, @args) = @_; unless ( defined($pan) and $pan =~ /^--(combined|nopin|autopin)$/ ) { unshift @args, grep defined, $pan; $pan = '--combined'; } $pan =~ s/^--//; require Mojo::IOLoop::Server; my $port = Mojo::IOLoop::Server->generate_port; my $url = "http://localhost:${port}/"; my $pid = fork(); die "fork() fork()ed up: $!" unless defined $pid; unless ($pid) { $ENV{OPAN_AUTOPIN} = 1 if $pan eq 'autopin'; $app->start(daemon => -l => $url); exit(0); } eval { $run->("${url}${pan}", @args) }; my $err = $@; kill TERM => $pid; warn "Run block failed: $err" if $err; }

sub do_cpanm { my ($app, @args) = @; run_with_server($app, sub { my ($mirror, @args) = @; system(cpanm => '--mirror', $mirror, '--mirror-only', @args); }, @args); }

sub do_carton { my ($app, @args) = @; run_with_server($app, sub { my ($mirror, @args) = @; local $ENV{PERL_CARTON_MIRROR} = $mirror; system(carton => @args); }, @args); }

foreach my $cmd ( qw(init fetch add unadd pin unpin merge pull purgelist purge cpanm carton) ) { my $pkg = "App::opan::Command::${cmd}"; my $code = PACKAGE->can("do_${cmd}"); Mojo::Base->import::into($pkg, 'Mojolicious::Command'); monkey_patch $pkg, description => sub { pod_section($cmd, 1) }; monkey_patch $pkg, usage => sub { pod_section($cmd, 0) }; monkey_patch $pkg, run => sub { my $self = shift; $code->($self->app, @_) }; }

use Mojolicious::Lite;

Mojo::IOLoop->recurring(600 => sub { do_pull(app); }) if $ENV{OPAN_RECURRING_PULL};

post "/upload" => sub { my $c = shift; unless ($TOKENS{$c->req->url->to_abs->password || ""}) { $c->res->headers->www_authenticate("Basic realm=opan"); return $c->render(status => 401, text => "Token missing or not found\n"); } my $upload = $c->req->upload('dist') || $c->req->upload('pause99_add_uri_httpupload') or return $c->render(status => 400, text => "dist file missing\n"); my $pan_dir = path('pans/custom/dists/M/MY/MY')->make_path; $upload->move_to(my $pan_path = $pan_dir->child($upload->filename)) or $c->render( status => 500, text => "Failed to move ${upload} into custom pan: $!\n" ); add_dist_to_index('pans/custom/index', $pan_path); do_merge(app); $c->render(text => "$pan_path Added to opan\n"); };

push(@{app->commands->namespaces}, 'App::opan::Command');

helper cpan_url => sub { Mojo::URL->new($ENV{OPAN_MIRROR} || '') };

my $nopin_static = Mojolicious::Static->new( paths => [ 'pans/custom/dists' ] );

my $pinset_static = Mojolicious::Static->new( paths => [ 'pans/pinset/dists' ] );

my $combined_static = Mojolicious::Static->new( paths => [ 'pans/custom/dists', 'pans/pinset/dists' ] );

my $base_static = Mojolicious::Static->new( paths => [ 'pans' ] );

foreach my $pan (qw(upstream nopin combined pinset custom)) { get "/${pan}/modules/02packages.details.txt" => sub { $base_static->dispatch($[0]->stash(path => "${pan}/index")); }; get "/${pan}/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz" => sub { $base_static->dispatch($[0]->stash(path => "${pan}/index.gz")); }; }

my $serve_upstream = sub { my ($c) = @; $c->render_later; $c->ua->get( $c->cpan_url.'authors/id/'.$c->stash->{dist_path}, sub { my (undef, $tx) = @; $c->tx->res($tx->res); $c->rendered; } ); return; };

get '/upstream/authors/id/*dist_path' => $serve_upstream;

get '/combined/authors/id/*dist_path' => sub { $[0]->stash(path => $[0]->stash->{dist_path}); $combined_static->dispatch($[0]) or $serve_upstream->($[0]); };

get '/nopin/authors/id/*dist_path' => sub { $[0]->stash(path => $[0]->stash->{dist_path}); $nopin_static->dispatch($[0]) or $serve_upstream->($[0]); };

get "/autopin/modules/02packages.details.txt" => sub { return $[0]->render(text => 'Autopin off', status => 404) unless $ENV{OPAN_AUTOPIN}; $base_static->dispatch($[0]->stash(path => "nopin/index")); };

get "/autopin/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz" => sub { return $[0]->render(text => 'Autopin off', status => 404) unless $ENV{OPAN_AUTOPIN}; $base_static->dispatch($[0]->stash(path => "nopin/index.gz")); };

get '/autopin/authors/id/*dist_path' => sub { return $[0]->render(text => 'Autopin off', status => 404) unless $ENV{OPAN_AUTOPIN}; return if $nopin_static->dispatch($[0]->stash(path => $[0]->stash->{dist_path})); return if eval { do_pin(app, $[0]->stash->{path}); $pinset_static->dispatch($[0]); }; return $[0]->render(text => 'Not found', status => 404); };

caller() ? app : app->tap(sub { shift->log->level('fatal') })->start;

=head1 NAME

App::opan - A CPAN overlay for darkpan and pinning purposes


Set up an opan (creates a directory tree in C):

$ opan init $ opan pin MSTROUT/M-1.tar.gz $ opan add ./My-Dist-1.23.tar.gz

Now, you can start the server:

$ opan daemon -l http://localhost:8030/ Server available at http://localhost:8030/

Then in another terminal, run one of:

$ cpanm --mirror http://localhost:8030/combined/ --mirror-only --installdeps . $ PERL_CARTON_MIRROR=http://localhost:8030/combined/ carton install

Or, to let opan do that part for you, skip starting the server and run one of:

$ opan cpanm --installdeps . $ opan carton install


Two basic approaches to using this thing. First, if you're using carton, you can probably completely ignore the pinning system, so just do:

$ opan init $ opan add ./My-DarkPan-Dist-1.23.tar.gz $ git add pans/; git commit -m 'fresh opan' $ opan carton install

You can reproduce this install with simply:

$ opan carton install --deployment

When you want to update to a new version of the cpan index (assuming you already have an additional requirement that's too old in your current snapshot):

$ opan pull $ git add pans/; git commit -m 'update pans' $ opan carton install

Second, if you're not using carton, but you want reproducible installs, you can still mostly ignore the pinning system by doing:

$ opan init $ opan add ./My-DarkPan-Dist-1.23.tar.gz $ opan cpanm --autopin --installdeps . $ git add pans/; git commit -m 'opan with current version pinning'

Your reproducible install is now:

$ opan cpanm --installdeps .

When you want to update to a new version of the cpan index (assuming you already have an additional requirement that's too old in your current snapshot):

$ opan pull $ opan cpanm --autopin --installdeps . $ git add pans/; git commit -m 'update pans'

To update a single dist in this system, the easy route is:

$ opan unpin Thingy-1.23.tar.gz $ opan cpanm Thingy Fetching ... $ opan pin SOMEONE/Thing-1.25.tar.gz

This will probably make more sense if you read the L and L documentation following before trying to set things up.

=head2 Commands

=head3 init

opan init

Creates a C directory with empty indexes for L and L and a fresh index for L (i.e. runs L for you at the end of initialisation).

=head3 fetch

opan fetch

Fetches 02packages from into the L PAN.

=head3 add

opan add Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz

Imports a distribution file into the L PAN under author C. Any path parts provided before the filename will be stripped.

Support for other authors is pending somebody explaining why that would have a point. See L for the command you probably wanted instead.

=head3 unadd

opan unadd Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz

Looks for a C<Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz> path in the L PAN index and removes the entries.

Does not remove the dist file, see L.

=head3 pin

opan pin AUTHOR/Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz

Fetches the file from the L PAN and adds it to L.

=head3 unpin

opan unpin Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz

Looks for a C<Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz> path in the L PAN index and removes the entries.

Does not remove the dist file, see L.

=head3 merge

opan merge

Rebuilds the L and L PANs' index files.

=head3 pull

opan pull

Does a L and then a L. There's no equivalent for others, on the assumption what you'll do is roughly L, L, L, L, ... repeat ..., L.

=head3 purgelist

opan purgelist

Outputs a list of all non-indexed dists in L and L.

=head3 purge

opan purge

Deletes all files that would have been listed by L.

=head3 daemon

opan daemon

Starts a single process server using LMojolicious::Command::daemon.

=head3 prefork

opan prefork

Starts a multi-process preforking server using LMojolicious::Command::prefork.

=head3 get

opan get /upstream/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz

Runs a request against the opan URL space using LMojolicious::Command::get.

=head3 cpanm

opan cpanm --installdeps .

Starts a temporary server process and runs cpanm.

cpanm --mirror http://localhost:/combined/ --mirror-only

Can also be run with one of:

opan cpanm --nopin opan cpanm --autopin opan cpanm --combined

to request a specific PAN.

=head3 carton

opan carton install

Starts a temporary server process and runs carton.

PERL_CARTON_MIRROR=http://localhost:/combined/ carton

Can also be run with one of:

opan carton --nopin opan carton --autopin opan carton --combined

to request a specific PAN.

=head2 PANs

=head3 upstream

02packages: Fetched from by the L command.

Dist files: Fetched from on-demand.

=head3 pinset

02packages: Managed by L and L commands.

Dist files: Fetched from by L command.

=head3 custom

02packages: Managed by L and L commands.

Dist files: Imported from local disk by L command.

=head3 combined

02packages: Merged from upstream, pinset and custom PANs by L command.

Dist files: Fetched from custom, pinset and upstream in that order.

=head3 nopin

02packages: Merged from upstream and custom PANs by L command.

Dist files: Fetched from custom, pinset and upstream in that order.

=head3 autopin

Virtual PAN with no presence on disk.

Identical to nopin, but fetching a dist from upstream does an implict L.

Since this can modify your opan config, it's only enabled if the environment variable C<OPAN_AUTOPIN> is set to a true value (calling the L or L commands with C<--autopin> sets this for you, because you already specified you wanted that).

=head2 uploads

To enable the /upload endpoint, set the ENV var OPAN_AUTH_TOKENS to a colon separated list of accepted tokens for uploads. This will allow a post with a 'file' upload argument, checking http basic auth password against the provided auth tokens.

=head2 recurring pull

Set ENV OPAN_RECURRING_PULL to a true value to make opan automatically pull from upstream every 600 seconds

=head2 custom upstream

Set the ENV var OPAN_MIRROR to specify a cpan mirror - the default is Remember that if you need to temporarily overlay your overlay but only for one user, there's nothing stopping you setting OPAN_MIRROR to another opan.

=head1 AUTHOR

Matt S. Trout (mst) [email protected]


Aaron Crane (arc) [email protected]

Marcus Ramburg (marcus) [email protected]


Copyright (c) 2016-2018 the LApp::opan L and L as listed above.

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.
