
CPAN::Packager is a tool to help you make packages from perl modules on CPAN.


NAME CPAN::Packager::Manual - User manual

USER MANUAL This is the CPAN::Packager users manual.

DESCRIPTION cpan-packager creates RPM and Deb packages of CPAN distributions. Given a module name, cpan-packager will automatically analyze dependencies, download, build, test, provision, and install packages.

SETUP How to setup cpan-packager Installation Install CPAN::Packager from CPAN. cpan CPAN::Packager

Additional setup for redhat users Apply patches/rpm/perlreq.patch to /usr/lib/rpm/perl.req. Otherwise, perl.req extracts needles module dependencies.

Additional setup for debian users Copy conf/debian/rules* to the ~/.dh-make-perl directory. Otherwise, you may experience conflicts. For example: perllocal.pod.

HOW TO USE CPAN-PACKAGER SCRIPT RPMs $ sudo cpan-packager --module Test::Exception --builder RPM --conf conf/config-rpm.yaml --verbose

The resulting package may be found at: ~/.cpanpackager/rpm

Debs $ sudo cpan-packager --module Test::Exception --builder Deb --conf conf/config-deb.yaml --verbose

The resulting package may be found at: ~/.cpanpackager/deb

Options * --builder (required)

    The builder you'd like to use to build the module. Either "RPM" or

*   --conf (required)

    The local filesystem path to your CPAN::Packager configuration file.
    An example configuration file is available at:


    If you're building RPM's, you'll want the 'config-rpm.yaml'
    configuration file.

    If you're building Deb's, you'll want the 'config-deb.yaml'
    configuration file.

*   --module (required)

    The name of the module that you'd like to build. For example:

*   --always_build (optional; default skips builds of installed modules)

    Always build CPAN modules even if the module is already installed.

*   --verbose (optional)

    Emit additional information and diagnostics.

*   --modulelist (optional; discouraged)

    The path to a file containing the list of modules that should be
    built. There should be one module per line. For example:


CONFIGURATION The configuration file is YAML-based and is comprised of two main sections, the "global" section, and the "modules" section. The configuration schema is defined in: CPAN::Packager::Config::Schema

The "global" configuration section. This section defines common configuration entities.

*   cpan_mirrors

    Accepts one or more CPAN mirror arguments. These mirrors are used to
    retrieve the module(s) being packaged in addition to their
    dependencies. For example, a local CPAN::Mini mirror, or a "real"
    mirror may be referenced:

    *   file:///home/dann/minicpan/

    *   http://cpan.pair.com/

    *   ftp://cpan.pair.com/pub/CPAN/

    An example configuration section for "cpan_mirrors" may look like:

         - http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/languages/perl/CPAN/
         - file:///home/dann/minicpan

*   fix_package_depends

    Correct misspelt package name.

    *   from

        The incorrect module name which you want to fix.

    *   to

        The correct module name.

*   no_depends

    Suppresses generation of a given required dependency. Sometimes
    authors create dependencies on modules the packager can't find This
    allows the packager to arbitrarily supress a given requirement.

    *   module

        The module which you don't want to depend.

*   skip_name_resolve_modules

    Skip module name resolution.

    *   module

        The module which you want to skip name resolution.

*   fix_module_name

    Fix incorrect module name.

    *   from

        The incorrect module name which you want to fix.

    *   to

        The correct module name.

The "modules" configuration section This section defines module-specific configuration entities.

*   module

    Specifies the module to which this configuration applies. For
    example: Test::Reporter.

*   no_depends

    Forcefully removes module dependencies.

    *   module

        Given module is removed from the dependency list of the package
        being built. For example: Test::Reporter.

*   depends

    Forcefully adds module dependencies.

    *   module

        Given module is added to the dependency list of the package
        being built. For example: Test::Reporter.

*   skip_test

    Causes "make test" to be skipped for given module. This is useful
    when you don't want a module's failing tests to prevent the module
    from being built and installed.

*   force_build

    Build the package forcefully if the package is installed already.

*   custom

    This is useful if you want to fetch modules from CPAN and use
    patched CPAN module.

    *   tgz_path

        The file path of gzipped tarball containing CPAN source.

    *   src_dir

        The directory path of CPAN module source direcotry which
        contains Makefile.PL or Build.PL

    *   version

        The distribution version.

    *   dist_name

        The CPAN module name.

    *   patches

        Allows for specifying patch files to be inserted into the spec
        file and applied when building the source.

*   version

    The CPAN module version.

*   release

    This specifies the release of the package itself (not the module
    that's being packaged). This is most commonly used when you want to
    re-package the same version of a given module. You may want to do
    this, for example, if the original packaging was somehow in error,
    or perhaps if you want to adjust the package's metadata.

*   pkg_name

    Ordinarilly, a module like, for example, Test::Reporter would be
    given a package name of perl-Test-Reporter (RPM) or
    libtest-reporter-perl (Deb), by default. However, if for some reason
    you need to define your own package name, this option will allow you
    to do just that. This can be useful in conjunction with the
    "obsoletes" option, if you need to forcefully "override" an existing
    "identical" package on the system.

*   epoch

    This option specifies the epoch of a package. This is primarily
    useful in the situation where, for example, RPM's version comparison
    algorithm isn't doing what you expect. Bumping the epoch integer up
    will force RPM to consider the package as being newer even if it
    would ordinarily consider it being older, version-wise.

*   obsoletes

    Accepts multiple "package" arguments. Causes the package being built
    to obsolete the given packages.

    *   package

        In the case of RPM, an example package argument may be:
        perl-Compress-Zlib. For example, since the IO-Compress
        distribution superceeds and deprecates the Compress-Zlib
        distribution, the configuration section for the IO::Compress
        module may obsolete the perl-Compress-Zlib package, as above.

MISCELLANEOUS Using cpan-packager with minicpan You may use CPAN::Packager with minicpan. First, establish your local minicpan mirror:

 minicpan -r http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/languages/perl/CPAN/ -l ~/minicpan

Then, just set the path to your local minicpan mirror in your
configuration file:

     - file:///home/dann/minicpan

Applying patches to tarballs for RPM builds Write the module's configuration as such:

  - module: Acme
      tgz_path: ~/.cpanpackager/custom_module/Acme-1.11111.tar.gz
        - ~/.cpanpackager/custom_module/acme_test.patch
      dist_name: Acme
      version: 1.11111

The patch should, for example, look like:

    --- Acme-1.11111/t/acme.t.orig      2010-01-26 22:26:51.000000000 +0900
    +++ Acme-1.11111/t/acme.t   2010-01-26 22:26:39.000000000 +0900
    @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
     use lib 't', 'lib';
     use strict;
     use warnings;
    -use Test::More tests => 2;
    +use Test::More tests => 3;
     use Acme;
    +ok 1;

Specify installation location (optional) It is possible for a CPAN::Packager user to explicitly specify installation locations for a distribution's libraries, documentation, man pages, binaries, and scripts. Setting both of the below environment variables, for example, will accomplish this.


 PERL_MB_OPT="--config installvendorman1dir=/usr/local/share/man/man1
 --config installvendorman3dir=/usr/local/share/man/man3 --config
 installvendorbin=/usr/local/bin --config installvendorscript=/usr/local/bin"

Additionally, for RPMs, you may specify the directory in which non-man
documentation (Changes, README, etc) are installed via adding an entry
to your ~/.rpmmacros file:

%_defaultdocdir /usr/local/share/doc

ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES Environment variable "CPAN_PACKAGER_TEST_LIVE" can be used to execute live tests.

Environment variable "CPAN_PACKAGER_ENABLE_DUMP" can be used to dump

BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to this project's GitHub repository at:


Thank you!

AUTHOR Takatoshi Kitano [email protected]