
Check CPAN modules for known security vulnerabilities

OTHER License



cpan-audit - Audit CPAN modules


cpan-audit [command] [options]


module         [version range]    audit module with optional version range (all by default)
dist|release   [version range]    audit distribution with optional version range (all by default)
deps           [directory]        audit dependencies from the directory (. by default)
installed                         audit all installed modules
show           [advisory id]      show information about specific advisory


--ascii               use ascii output
--freshcheck|f        check the database for freshness (CPAN::Audit::FreshnessCheck)
--help|h              show the help message and exit
--no-color            switch off colors
--no-corelist         ignore modules bundled with perl version
--perl                include perl advisories
--quiet               be quiet
--verbose             be verbose
--version             show the version and exit
--exclude <str>       exclude/ignore the specified advisory/cve (multiple)
--exclude-file <file> read exclude/ignore patterns from file
--json <file>         save audit results in JSON format in a file


cpan-audit dist Catalyst-Runtime
cpan-audit dist Catalyst-Runtime 7.0
cpan-audit dist Catalyst-Runtime '>5.48'

cpan-audit module Catalyst 7.0

cpan-audit deps .
cpan-audit deps /path/to/distribution

cpan-audit installed
cpan-audit installed local/
cpan-audit installed local/ --exclude CVE-2011-4116
cpan-audit installed local/ --exclude CVE-2011-4116 --exclude CVE-2011-123
cpan-audit installed local/ --exclude-file ignored-cves.txt
cpan-audit installed --json audit.json

cpan-audit show CPANSA-Mojolicious-2018-03


cpan-audit is a command line application that checks the modules or distributions for known vulnerabilities. It is using its internal database that is automatically generated from a hand-picked database

cpan-audit does not connect to anything, that is why it is important to keep it up to date. Every update of the internal database is released as a new version. Ensure that you have the latest database by updating CPAN::Audit frequently; the database can change daily. You can use enable a warning for a possibly out-of-date database by adding --freshcheck, which warns if the database version is older than a month:

    % cpan-audit --freshcheck ...
    % cpan-audit -f ...

    % env CPAN_AUDIT_FRESH_DAYS=7 cpan-audit -f ...

Finding dependencies

cpan-audit can automatically detect dependencies from the following sources:

  • Carton

    Parses cpanfile.snapshot file and checks the distribution versions.

  • cpanfile

    Parses cpanfile taking into account the required versions.

It is assumed that if the required version of the module is less than a version of a release with a known vulnerability fix, then the module is considered affected.

Exit values

In prior versions, cpan-audit exited with the number of advisories it found. Starting with 1.001, if there are advisories found, cpan-audit exits with 64 added to that number.

  • 0 - normal operation
  • 2 - problem with program invocation, such as bad switches or values
  • 64+n - advisories found. Subtract 64 to get the advisory count


Copyright (C) Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.