
Moose result class for DBIx::Class


package MooseX::DBIC;

ABSTRACT: DBIC result class based on Moose

use Moose (); use MooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Class; use MooseX::DBIC::Types qw(ResultSet); use Moose::Exporter;

my ( undef, undef, $init ) = Moose::Exporter->build_import_methods( with_meta => [ qw(has_column has_many belongs_to has_one might_have table remove with class_has) ], as_is => [qw(ResultSet)], install => [qw(import unimport)] );

sub init_meta { my $class = shift; my (%opts) = @_; Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaroles( for => $opts{for_class}, class_metaroles => { class => [ qw(MooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Class) ], instance => [qw(MooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Instance)], }, role_metaroles => { role => [ qw(MooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Class) ], application_to_class => ['MooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Application::ToClass'] }, ); my $meta = Class::MOP::class_of( $opts{for_class} ); Moose::Util::ensure_all_roles( $meta->name, 'MooseX::DBIC::Role::Result' ) unless ( $meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Role') ); return $meta; }

sub with { my ( $meta, $role ) = @_; eval { Moose::with( $meta, 'MooseX::DBIC::Role::' . $role ); } or do { die $@ if ( $@ !~ /^Can't locate/ ); Moose::with( $meta, $role ); } }

sub class_has { my $meta = shift; my $name = shift; my %options = @_;

my $attrs = ref $name eq 'ARRAY' ? $name : [$name];

$meta->add_class_attribute( $_, %options ) for @{$attrs};


sub table { shift->set_class_attribute_value( 'table_name', shift ); }

sub has_column { shift->add_column(@_); }

sub remove { shift->remove_column(shift); }

sub has_many { shift->add_relationship( @_, type => 'HasMany' ); }

sub belongs_to { shift->add_relationship( @_, type => 'BelongsTo' ); }

sub might_have { shift->add_relationship( @_, type => 'MightHave' ); }

sub has_one { shift->add_relationship( @_, type => 'HasOne' ); }




package MySchema::CD; use Moose; use MooseX::DBIC;

has_column title => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); belongs_to artist => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'MySchema::Artist' );

package MySchema::Artist; use Moose; use MooseX::DBIC;

has_column name => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' );; has_many cds => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'MySchema::CD' );

package MySchema; use Moose; extends 'MooseX::DBIC::Schema';


package main;

my $schema = MySchema->connect( 'dbi:SQLite::memory:' );


my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create( { name => 'Mo', cds => [ { title => 'Sound of Moose' } ], } );

my @artists = $schema->resultset('Artist') ->order_by('name') ->prefetch('cds') ->all;


=over 4

=item B

=item B

By default, all result classes have a primary key attribute, named C. For maximum portability, a random string is genereated instead of using an incrementing integer.

=item B

Primary keys consisting of more than one column are not (yet) supported.



package MySchema::Artist; use MooseX::DBIC;

column and relationship definition

PACKAGE->meta->make_immutable; # speed

=over 4

=item B<< table >>

table 'mytable';

B By default MooseX::DBIC will use the package name as table name. Given the name of the schema is C, a result class CMySchema::Artist will lead to a table named C.

=item B<< has_column >>

has_column 'name';

use MooseX::Types::Email qw(EmailAddress);

has_column email => ( is => 'ro', isa => EmailAddress );

Add a column to the result class. See LMooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Column for further details.

=item B<< remove >>

remove 'id'; has_column mypk => ( primary_key => 1, auto_increment => 1, isa => 'Int' );

Remove a previously added column. Can be used to remove the default primary key column C.

=item B<< has_many >>

has_many cds => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'MyApp::CD' );

See LMooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Relationship::HasMany.

=item B<< belongs_to >>

belongs_to producer => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'MyApp::Producer' );

See LMooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Relationship::BelongsTo.

=item B<< might_have >>

might_have artwork => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'MyApp::Artwork' );

See LMooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Relationship::MightHave.

=item B<< has_one >>

has_one mandatory_artwork => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'MyApp::Artwork' );

See LMooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Relationship::HasOne.

=item B<< with >>

with 'AutoUpdate'; with 'MooseX::DBIC::Role::AutoUpdate'; # same as above

This is the preferred way to apply roles to the class. L<with|Moose/EXPORTED FUNCTIONS> has been overridden to allow for a shorter syntax.

See the CMooseX::DBIC::Role:: namespace for more roles.



One of the big advantages that come with Moose is the ability to introspect classes, attributes and pretty much everything. MooseX::DBIC adds methods to the meta class to get easy access to columns, relationships and more.

my $meta = MyApp::Artist->meta;

Check out LMooseX::DBIC::Meta::Role::Class to get started.