Central repository for GSPLauncher and GSPGames

MIT License


GSP: GameShell-Phaser

Central repository for GSPLauncher, GSPGames.


  1. Login via ssh to GameShell

  2. Clone this repository in /home/cpi

     git clone
  3. cd into the GSP/ directory and run:

     chmod +x

    and then

  4. If no errors appear, reboot GameShell and start the launcher by selecting the

    alt text menu item.


To update to the latest GSP code, simply perform a git pull on the master branch. For those who are not familiar with git, just execute ./ script found inside the GSP/ direcrory from ssh. Just have in mind that any local changes will be lost.



The shortcut script has been updated to expose the nwjs debugging port (9222). This can be usefull to troubleshoot problems and also to help developing on the actual GameShell. To access the debugger all is needed is Google Chrome to open a url in the form http://GAMESHELL_IP:9222 and Chrome's developing tools will fire up. However it is not so easy since the GameShell's OS does not expose port 9222 to the public. So here comes ssh to the rescue. More specifically an ssh tunneling is needed. It is very simple, from the host computer open a terminal and type:

ssh -L 9090:localhost:9222 cpi@GAMESHELL_IP

where GAMESHELL_IP is the ip assigned to GameShell e.g. Then the terminal will ask for credentials and upon giving the correct, on the host computer fire up Chrome and enter the following url: http://localhost:9090. Data on GameShell's port 9222 are transfered through ssh to the host's local port 9090. Happy Debugging!

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