
Tutorial with example on how to create a JavaScript game using Phaser.io and run it on GameShell using NWjs


GameShell + NWjs + Phaser = 💘


The scope of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to setup an HTML5/JavaScript environment (NWjs) on Clockworkpi's GameShell along with a JS game engine (Phaser) and deploy a simple Phaser example that is playable and controlled by GameShell.



Part 1: Installing NWjs on GameShell

First of all connect via ssh to GameShell.

Then download NWjs ARMv7 binaries (many thanks LeonardLaszlo) by executing the following command:

cpi@clockworkpi:~$ wget https://github.com/LeonardLaszlo/nw.js-armv7-binaries/releases/download/v0.27.6/nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm.tar.gz

Untar the archive with:

cpi@clockworkpi:~$ tar -xvf nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm.tar.gz

This will create a directory with all NWjs binaries. Inside this directory there is a lib/ directory. All the shared object files located in lib/ directory need to be copied to /usr/lib directory.

cpi@clockworkpi:~$ cd nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm
cpi@clockworkpi:~/nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm$ sudo cp lib/* /usr/lib

One last thing, NWjs requires another shared object library, libnss3 which is not installed by default on GameShell. Install it by running:

cpi@clockworkpi:~/nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm$ sudo apt-get update

and then

cpi@clockworkpi:~/nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm$ sudo apt-get install libnss3-dev

To execute the NWjs create a shortcut in the menu:

cpi@clockworkpi:~/nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm$ touch /home/cpi/apps/launcher/Menu/GameShell/NWJS.sh

give it permission to execute:

cpi@clockworkpi:~/nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm$ chmod +x /home/cpi/apps/launcher/Menu/GameShell/NWJS.sh

then open the NWJS.sh file (with vim or any other editor) and insert the following line:

/home/cpi/nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm/nw --use-gl=egl --ignore-gpu-blacklist --disable-accelerated-2d-canvas --num-raster-threads=2

Reboot GameShell and an NWJS icon should appear on the menu. Selecting it should run the nw app.

To exit the application it is needed either to switch off GameShell or kill the nw process id, sudo kill -9 PID. In the rest of the tutorial, a key shortcut will be added to close the application and return to the launcher by pressing the menu key on GameShell.

That's all configuring NWjs on GameShell. The rest of this tutorial is the fun part of integrating Phaser game engine into NWjs

Part 2: Deploying a Phaser.io Game

Like before, connect via ssh to GameShell.

Enter the directory where the nwjs binaries are, most probably in nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm/.

cpi@clockworkpi:~$ cd nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm

Clone this repository inside nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm/ directory

cpi@clockworkpi:~/nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm$ git clone https://github.com/pleft/nwphaserjs_tutorial.git

This will create a directoy nwphaserjs_tutorial/ inside nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm/. Rename this directory to package.nw. Doing this will allow the nwjs binary to pickup this repository's phaser.io code and execute it.

cpi@clockworkpi:~/nwjs-v0.27.6-linux-arm$ mv nwphaserjs_tutorial/ package.nw/

That's all, now selecting the NWJS icon on the GameShell menu will launch our little phaser.io game. To exit the game and return to GameShell launcer press the MENU key.

Part 3: Significant code parts

Screen size

GameShell's screen is 320x240 pixels, however setting in phaser.io the playfield's size to exact match the screen's size will result to the appearance of scrollbars. So it is set 2-pixels lower, 318x238.

var game = new Phaser.Game(318, 238, Phaser.CANVAS, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });

Key mapping

GameShell maps its buttons to keyboard keys. This makes our lives easier and it is pretty straightforward to map GameShell's buttons to phaser.io keys

  • UP = Phaser.Keyboard.UP
  • DOWN = Phaser.Keyboard.DOWN
  • LEFT = Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT
  • RIGHT = Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT
  • A = Phaser.Keyboard.J
  • B = Phaser.Keyboard.K
  • X = Phaser.Keyboard.U
  • Y = Phaser.Keyboard.I
  • MENU = Phaser.Keyboard.ESC
  • START = Phaser.Keyboard.ENTER
  • SELECT = Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR

Exiting the application

To exit the application and return to the GameShell's launcher, nwjs command: closeAllWindows() should be called. Mapping this command to the MENU key is done as:

if (this.escKey.isDown)
    // nwjs related code to close the application
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