
Demo site for contrib modules

APACHE-2.0 License



Demo site for my contrib modules


  • Go into the root and run:

php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer install

  • Now, add the site to vhosts or add a new site in DevDesktop

  • Then:

cd web/sites/default;

chmod 777 ../default;

chmod 777 settings.php;

Stick this into your settings.php

$config_directories = array(
  CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY => '../config/sync',

Install the site

drush si -y standard --site-name="Demo site" --account-pass=demo;

or using Drupal Console

drupal site:install standard --account-pass="demo" --no-interaction

  • Run this to import the config.

drush cset "system.site" uuid "$(drush cget system.site uuid --source=sync --format=list)" -y; drush cim -y;

or using Drupal Console

drupal -n --override init                                                                                                                  drupal settings:set environment dev
drupal settings:set overrides.config.skip-validate-site-uuid true                                  

drupal config:import
  • Enable site core

drush en -y site_core;

Running tests

php core/scripts/run-tests.sh --color --concurrency "31" --directory modules/contrib --dburl mysql://[email protected]:33067/drupal8_demo --verbose

Installation with Drupal console

Build the site php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer update

Run server and tests drupal demo