
StundenCheck is an open source web application for managing participation in initiative institutions.

MIT License



StundenCheck is an open source web application for managing participation in initiative institutions.



  • PHP 8.2 or later
  • Composer 2.4 or later
git clone # get files
cd stunden-check               # switch to app directory
composer install               # install dependencies
cp .env.example .env           # init environment configuration
touch database/database.sqlite # create database file (only when using SQlite)
php artisan migrate            # create database structure
php artisan key:generate       # build a secure key for the app
php artisan db:seed            # create initial parameters, categories and admin user


To start a local development server, run:

php artisan serve # start dev webserver
npm run dev       # start dev frontend with hot reload

Now you can log in on http://localhost:8000 with the initial admin user credentials (email: [email protected], password: Joh.3,16).

If you don't want to start with an empty database, you can generate test accounts with fake data:

php artisan db:seed --class=TestDataSeeder # Fill database with fake test data


To build the application for production, run:

composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
php artisan config:cache # combine all configuration files into a single, cached file
php artisan route:cache  # reduce all route registrations into a single method call within a cached file
php artisan view:cache   # precompile all blade views
npm run build

In .env set APP_DEBUG to false and APP_URL to your production url. Change more values here if needed.

The webserver should be configured to serve the public/ directory as root.


This project is based on the Laravel framework open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

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