
⬢ HTML meta tags generator for Kirby. Supports Open Graph and Twitter Cards out of the box.

MIT License


Kirby Meta Tags Release Issues

HTML meta tags generator for Kirby. Supports Open Graph, Twitter Cards, and JSON Linked Data out of the box.


  • Kirby 3
  • PHP 7.1+



Download and copy this repository to site/plugins/meta-tags.

Git submodule

git submodule add site/plugins/meta-tags


composer require pedroborges/kirby-meta-tags

For Kirby 2, you can download v1.1.1 and copy the files to site/plugins/meta-tags.

Basic Usage

After installing the Meta Tags plugin, you need to add one line to the head element on your template, or header.php snippet:

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+   <?php echo $page->metaTags() ?>

By default the metaTags page method will render all tag groups at once. But you can also render only one tag at a time:

<?php echo $page->metaTags('title') ?>

Or specify which tags to render:

<?php echo $page->metaTags(['og', 'twitter', 'json-ld']) ?>


The plugin ships with some default meta tags enabled for your convenience:

return [
    // other options...
    'pedroborges.meta-tags.default' => function ($page, $site) {
        return [
            'title' => $site->title(),
            'meta' => [
                'description' => $site->description()
            'link' => [
                'canonical' => $page->url()
            'og' => [
                'title' => $page->isHomePage()
                    ? $site->title()
                    : $page->title(),
                'type' => 'website',
                'site_name' => $site->title(),
                'url' => $page->url()

The pedroborges.meta-tags.default option is applied to all pages on your Kirby site. Of course you can change the defaults. In order to do that, just copy this example to your site/config/config.php file and tweak it to fit your website needs.


Following the flexible spirit of Kirby, you also have the option to add template specific meta tags:

return [
    // other options...
    'pedroborges.meta-tags.templates' => function ($page, $site) {
        return [
            'song' => [
                'og' => [
                    'type' => '',
                    'namespace:music' => [
                        'duration' => $page->duration(),
                        'album' => $page->parent()->url(),
                        'musician' => $page->singer()->html()

In the example above, those settings will only be applied to pages which template is song.

For more information on all the meta, link, Open Graph and Twitter Card tags available, check out these resources:


Both the pedroborges.meta-tags.default and pedroborges.meta-tags.templates accept similar values:


It accepts an array containing any or all of the following keys: title, meta, link, og, and twitter. With the exception of title, all other groups must return an array of key-value pairs. Check out the tag groups section to learn which value types are accepted by each key.

'pedroborges.meta-tags.default' => function ($page, $site) {
    return [
        'title' => 'Site Name',
        'meta' => [ /* meta tags */ ],
        'link' => [ /* link tags */ ],
        'og' => [ /* Open Graph tags */ ],
        'twitter' => [ /* Twitter Card tags */ ],
        'json-ld' => [ /* JSON-LD schema */ ],


This option allows you to define a template specific set of meta tags. It must return an array where each key corresponds to the template name you are targeting.

'pedroborges.meta-tags.templates' => function ($page, $site) {
    return [
        'article' => [ /* tags groups */ ],
        'about' => [ /* tags groups */ ],
        'products' => [ /* tags groups */ ],

When a key matches the current page template name, it is merged and overrides any repeating properties defined on the pedroborges.meta-tags.default option so you don't have to repeat yourself.

Tag Groups

These groups accept string, closure, or array as their values. Being so flexible, the sky is the limit to what you can do with Meta Tags!


Corresponds to the HTML <title> element and accepts a string as value.

'title' => $page->isHomePage()
    ? $site->title()
    : $page->title(),

You can also pass it a closure that returns a string if the logic to generate the title is more complex.


The right place to put any generic HTML <meta> elements. It takes an array of key-value pairs. The returned value must be a string or closure.

'meta' => [
    'description' => $site->description(),
    'robots' => 'index,follow,noodp'
<meta name="description" content="Website description">
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow,noodp">


This tag group is used to render HTML <link> elements. It takes an array of key-value pairs. The returned value can be a string, array, or closure.

'link' => [
    'stylesheet' => url('assets/css/main.css'),
    'icon' => [
      ['href' => url('assets/images/icons/favicon-62.png'), 'sizes' => '62x62', 'type' =>'image/png'],
      ['href' => url('assets/images/icons/favicon-192.png'), 'sizes' => '192x192', 'type' =>'image/png']
    'canonical' => $page->url(),
    'alternate' => function ($page) {
        $locales = [];

        foreach (kirby()->languages() as $language) {
            if ($language->code() == kirby()->language()) continue;

            $locales[] = [
                'hreflang' => $language->code(),
                'href' => $page->url($language->code())

        return $locales;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="icon" href="" sizes="62x62" type="image/png">
<link rel="icon" href="" sizes="192x192" type="image/png">
<link rel="canonical" href="">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="pt" href="">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href="">


Where you can define Open Graph <meta> elements.

'og' => [
    'title' => $page->title(),
    'type' => 'website',
    'site_name' => $site->title(),
    'url' => $page->url()
<meta property="og:title" content="Passionate web developer">
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Pedro Borges">
<meta property="og:url" content="">

Of course you can use Open Graph structured objects. Let's see a blog post example:

'pedroborges.meta-tags.templates' => function ($page, $site) {
    return [
        'article' => [ // template name
            'og' => [  // tags group name
                'type' => 'article', // overrides the default
                'namespace:article' => [
                    'author' => $page->author(),
                    'published_time' => $page->date('Y-m-d'),
                    'modified_time' => $page->modified('Y-m-d'),
                    'tag' => ['tech', 'web']
                'namespace:image' => function(Page $page) {
                    $image = $page->cover()->toFile();
                    return [
                        'image' => $image->url(),
                        'height' => $image->height(),
                        'width' => $image->width(),
                        'type' => $image->mime()
<!-- merged default definition -->
<title>Pedro Borges</title>
<meta name="description" content="Passionate web developer">
<meta property="og:title" content="How to make a Kirby plugin">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Pedro Borges">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<!-- template definition -->
<meta property="og:type" content="article">
<meta property="og:article:author" content="Pedro Borges">
<meta property="og:article:published_time" content="2017-02-28">
<meta property="og:article:modified_time" content="2017-03-01">
<meta property="og:article:tag" content="tech">
<meta property="og:article:tag" content="web">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
<meta property="og:image:width" content="1200">
<meta property="og:image:height" content="630">
<meta property="og:image:type" content="image/jpeg">

Use the namespace: prefix for structured properties:

  • author inside namespace:article becomes og:article:author.
  • image inside namespace:image becomes og:image.
  • width inside namespace:image becomes og:image:width.

When using Open Graph tags, you will want to add the prefix attribute to the html element as suggested on their docs: <html prefix="og:">


This tag group works just like the previous one, but it generates <meta> tags for Twitter Cards instead.

'twitter' => [
    'card' => 'summary',
    'site' => $site->twitter(),
    'title' => $page->title(),
    'namespace:image' => function ($page) {
        $image = $page->cover()->toFile();

        return [
            'image' => $image->url(),
            'alt' => $image->alt()
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@pedroborg_es">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="My blog post title">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="">
<meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="Article cover image">


Use this tag group to add JSON Linked Data schemas to your website.

'json-ld' => [
    'Organization' => [
        'name' => $site->title()->value(),
        'url' => $site->url(),
        "contactPoint" => [
            '@type' => 'ContactPoint',
            'telephone' => $site->phoneNumber()->value(),
            'contactType' => 'customer service'

If you leave them out, will be added as @context and the array key will be added as @type.

<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "Organization",
    "name": "Example Co",
    "url": "",
    "contactPoint": {
        "@type": "ContactPoint",
        "telephone": "+1-401-555-1212",
        "contactType": "customer service"

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented at:


The Meta Tags plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2019 Pedro Borges [email protected]