
HTML Meta Tags management package available for for Laravel >= 5 (Including 10)

MIT License


HTML Meta Tags management package available for Laravel >= 5 (Including 10)

With this package you can manage header Meta Tags from Laravel controllers.

If you want a Laravel <= 4.2 compatible version, please use v4.2 branch.


Begin by installing this package through Composer.

    "require": {
        "eusonlito/laravel-meta": "3.1.*"

Laravel installation

// config/app.php

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'Meta'    => Eusonlito\LaravelMeta\Facade::class,

Now you have a Meta facade available.

Publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Eusonlito\LaravelMeta\MetaServiceProvider"


<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesCommands;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidatesRequests;

use Meta;

abstract class Controller extends BaseController
    use DispatchesCommands, ValidatesRequests;

    public function __construct()
        # Default title
        Meta::title('This is default page title to complete section title');

        # Default robots
        Meta::set('robots', 'index,follow');

        # Default image
        Meta::set('image', asset('images/logo.png'));


<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Meta;

class HomeController extends Controller
    public function index()
        # Section description
        Meta::set('title', 'You are at home');
        Meta::set('description', 'This is my home. Enjoy!');
        Meta::set('image', asset('images/home-logo.png'));

        return view('index');

    public function detail()
        # Section description
        Meta::set('title', 'This is a detail page');
        Meta::set('description', 'All about this detail page');

        # Remove previous images

        # Add only this last image
        Meta::set('image', asset('images/detail-logo.png'));

        # Canonical URL
        Meta::set('canonical', '');

        return view('detail');

    public function private()
        # Section description
        Meta::set('title', 'Private Area');
        Meta::set('description', 'You shall not pass!');
        Meta::set('image', asset('images/locked-logo.png'));

        # Custom robots for this section
        Meta::set('robots', 'noindex,nofollow');

        return view('private');


        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <meta name="author" content="Lito - [email protected]" />

        <title>{!! Meta::get('title') !!}</title>

        {!! Meta::tag('robots') !!}

        {!! Meta::tag('site_name', 'My site') !!}
        {!! Meta::tag('url', Request::url()); !!}
        {!! Meta::tag('locale', 'en_EN') !!}

        {!! Meta::tag('title') !!}
        {!! Meta::tag('description') !!}

        {!! Meta::tag('canonical') !!}

        {{-- Print custom section images and a default image after that --}}
        {!! Meta::tag('image', asset('images/default-logo.png')) !!}


Or you can use Blade directives:

        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <meta name="author" content="Lito - [email protected]" />

        <title>{!! Meta::get('title') !!}</title>


        @meta('site_name', 'My site')
        @meta('url', Request::url())
        @meta('locale', 'en_EN')



        {{-- Print custom section images and a default image after that --}}
        @meta('image', asset('images/default-logo.png'))

        {{-- Or use @metas to get all tags at once --}}


MetaProduct / og:product

This will allow you to add product data to your meta data. See Open Graph product object

// resources/views/html.php

    {!! Meta::tag('type') !!} // this is needed for Meta Product to change the og:type to og:product
    {!! Meta::tag('product') !!}

Add your product data from your controller

<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Meta;

class ProductController extends Controller
    public function show()
        # Add product meta
        Meta::set('product', [
            'price' => 100,
            'currency' => 'EUR',
        # if multiple currencies just add more product metas
        Meta::set('product', [
            'price' => 100,
            'currency' => 'USD',

        return view('index');


return [
    | Limit title meta tag length
    | To best SEO implementation, limit tags.

    'title_limit' => 70,

    | Limit description meta tag length
    | To best SEO implementation, limit tags.

    'description_limit' => 200,

    | Limit image meta tag quantity
    | To best SEO implementation, limit tags.

    'image_limit' => 5,

    | Available Tag formats
    | A list of tags formats to print with each definition

    'tags' => ['Tag', 'MetaName', 'MetaProperty', 'MetaProduct', 'TwitterCard'],

Using Meta outside Laravel


require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

// Check default settings
$config = require __DIR__.'/src/config/config.php';

$Meta = new Eusonlito\LaravelMeta\Meta($config);

# Default title
$Meta->title('This is default page title to complete section title');

# Default robots
$Meta->set('robots', 'index,follow');

# Section description
$Meta->set('title', 'This is a detail page');
$Meta->set('description', 'All about this detail page');
$Meta->set('image', '/images/detail-logo.png');

# Canonical URL
$Meta->set('canonical', '');


<title><?= $Meta->get('title'); ?></title>

<?= $Meta->tag('robots'); ?>

<?= $Meta->tag('site_name', 'My site'); ?>
<?= $Meta->tag('url', getenv('REQUEST_URI')); ?>
<?= $Meta->tag('locale', 'en_EN'); ?>

<?= $Meta->tag('title'); ?>
<?= $Meta->tag('description'); ?>

<?= $Meta->tag('canonical'); ?>

# Print custom section image and a default image after that
<?= $Meta->tag('image', '/images/default-logo.png'); ?>

Updates from 2.*

  • Meta::meta('title', 'Section Title') > Meta::set('title', 'Section Title')
  • Meta::meta('title') > Meta::get('title')
  • Meta::tagMetaName('title') > Meta::tag('title')
  • Meta::tagMetaProperty('title') > Meta::tag('title')