
Helpfully utils across all nette based webs


FKS utils for nette

Currency & Price


Something like enum :) Methods cases, tryFrom, from and property value similar like enum(PHP8.1). Implemented is only EUR and CZK.

To format amount use method format(float $amount):string


Representation of single currency price. Currency is passed as required parameter of constructor and can not be changed. If amount is not present in constructor, will be set to 0.0. To modify amount use method add, to substrate use add with negative amount.

$price = new Price(Currency::from(Currency::CZK), 4.5);
$price->getAmount(); // return 5.5
$price->getCurrency();// return Currency object with value 'czk'

Method __toString is only delegate to Currency::format().


Represent container for price in more Currencies at the same time.

Base usage

$multiPrice = new MultiCurrencyPrice([new Price(Currency::from(Currency::CZK), 4)]); // Create container with only CZK price and amout 4.0 CZK
$multiPrice->czk; // Price can be access wia magic __get, an key is ISO 4217 3char code and return Price object
$multiPrice->eur; // Throw \OutOfRangeException, Price in EUR is not set 

$multiPrice->czk = new Price(Currency::from(Currency::CZK)); // via magic __set can be set price
$multiPrice->czk = new Price(Currency::from(Currency::EUR)); // thow exception currecies muss be same

$multiPrice->eur = new Price(Currency::from(Currency::EUR)); // thow exception because EUR price is not present, only curencies registred in contructor can be used

Operation add

$multiPrice1 = new MultiCurrencyPrice([
    new Price(Currency::from(Currency::CZK), 2),
$multiPrice2 = new MultiCurrencyPrice([
    new Price(Currency::from(Currency::CZK), 1),
    new Price(Currency::from(Currency::EUR), 4),

$multiPrice1->add($multiPrice2); // can be added because curencies of $multiprice1 is a subset of $multiprice2
$multiPrice1->eur; // but still thow exception and not added a new currency 
$multiPrice1->czk->getAmount(); // is 3.0 call add on Prices

$multiPrice2->add($multiPrice1); // thow exeption because $multiprice1 no contains eur, so $multiprice2 is not a subset of the $multiprice1


BaseComponent represent nette Nette\Application\UI\Control with possibility use nette/DI inject like in Presenters.

class MyComponent extends \Fykosak\Utils\BaseComponent\BaseComponent
    private MyService $myService;
    public function injectMyService(MyService $myService):void
        $this->myService = $myService; // works with BaseComponent in components too ;)