
Adds text to an image.



Add text to an existing or new image. PHP >= 7.0

composer require ghostff/php-text-to-image


$text1 = Text::from('Text One')->color(231, 81, 0);

$text2 = Text::from('Text Two')->color(130, 146, 145)->position(260, 35);

$text3 = (new Text('Text Three'))->set(150, 0, [0, 0, 252], '', 10, 1, 1, [50, 205, 50]);

$text  = Text::from('Text!')
            ->position(170, 150)
            ->font(20, __DIR__ . '/sweet purple.otf')
            ->shadow(2, 2, [255])
            ->color(255,255, 0)

Writing to existing image

    header("Content-Type: image/png");
    echo (new TextToImage(__DIR__ . '/default.png'))->addTexts($text1, $text2, $text3, $text)->render();
// Or save to a file
(new TextToImage(__DIR__ . '/default.png'))->addTexts($text1, $text2, $text3, $text)->render(__DIR__ . '/tmp.png')

Writing to a new image:

    header("Content-Type: image/png");
    echo (new TextToImage())->setDimension(350, 350)->setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0)->addTexts($text1, $text2, $text3, $text)->render();
// Or save to a file
(new TextToImage())->setDimension(350, 350)->setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0)->addTexts($text1, $text2, $text3, $text)->render(__DIR__ . '/tmp.png');

TextToImage Documentations

TextToImage::__construct(string $from = '') Description: Creates TextToImage instance.

Params Description
from The image text will be added to. If not specified a blank image 200x200 will be created

TextToImage::setDimension(int $width, int $height): TextToImage Description: Set background image dimension. Note: This is not evaluated if $from argument is passed to the constructor

Params Description
width The width of the background image.
height The height of the background image.

TextToImage::setBackgroundColor(int $r = 255, int $g = 255, int $b = 255, int $a = 255): TextToImage Description: Set the background color of created background image. Note: This is not evaluated if $from argument is passed to the constructor.

Params Description
r Value of red component.
g Value of green component.
b Value of blue component.
a A value between 0 and 255. 255 indicates completely opaque while 0 indicates completely transparent.

TextToImage::addTexts(Text $text, Text ...$texts): TextToImage Description: Adds text to specified or generated background image.

Params Description
text Text to add to image
texts Further Text to add to image

Multiple text can all be added at once or over steps.

$hello  = Text::from('Hello');
$world  = Text::from('World')->position(0, 15);
$foo    = Text::from('Foo')->position(0, 30);
$bar    = Text::from('Bar')->position(0, 45);
$foobar = Text::from('Foobar')->position(0, 60)->color(255, 0, 0);

$text_image = new TextToImage();
$text_image->addTexts($hello, $world, $foo);
echo $text_image->setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0)->addTexts($foobar)->render();

TextToImage::render(string $save_as = null, string $ext = null): string Description: Renders modified image to a file or return contents.

Params Description
save_as If specified, image content will be saved at the provided path..
ext Image processor. possible values: jpg, jpeg, png or gif.

Text Documentations

Text::__construct(string $from = '') or Text::__from(string $text): Text Description: Creates Text instance.

Params Description
text The text that will be written on image.

Text::position(int $x, int $y = 0): Text Description: Sets the position of specified text on image.

Params Description
x The X position.
y The Y position.

Text::font(int $size, string $path = null): Text Description: Sets the font/size of specified text.

Params Description
size The font size of text.
path The path to font file.

Text::color(int $r = 255, int $g = 255, int $b = 255, int $a = 255): Text Description: Sets the color of specified text.

Params Description
r Value of red component.
g Value of green component.
b Value of blue component.
a A value between 0 and 255. 255 indicates completely opaque while 0 indicates completely transparent.

Text::shadow(int $position_x = null, int $position_y = null, array $color = []): Text Description: Adds shadow to specified text.

Params Description
position_x The shadow's X position.
position_y The shadow's Y position.
color Array [r(red), g(green), b(blue), a(alpha)] See color method.
Text::from('FooBar')->shadow(1, 1, [0, 0, 255]);
// Create Text with half the max opacity
Text::from('FooBar')->shadow(1, 1, [0, 0, 255, 255 / 2]);

Text::rotate(float $degrees): Text Description: Rotates specified text to a specific angle.

Params Description
degrees The angle in degrees.

Text::update(Closure $closure): Text Description: Runtime text update.

Params Description
degrees The function to call before render. If specified, this closure will be called with three arguments TextToImage, Text and GdFont
$text = Text::from('FooBar')->shadow(1, 1, [0, 0, 255]);
$text->update(function (TextToImage $text_to_image, Text $text, $image) {
    // Basic centering of text.
    $text->position(intval($text_to_image->getHeight() / 2), intval($text_to_image->getWidth() / 2));