
Texter helps to write Bangla/English text on image with PHP GD.

OTHER License



Texter helps to write Bangla/English text on image with PHP GD. It also has featurs like align, maintain lineheight, color settings etc.


	$texter = new nazmulpcc\Texter;
	$image = imagecreate(500, 300);
	imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
	$texter->startFrom(50, 90)->width(400)->on($image)->align('center')->fontSize(30)->color('333333');
	$texter->text('আমার সোনার বাংলা, আমি তোমায় ভালবাসি Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.....')->write();

It will give you something like this: Result


You can easily install Texter via composer or you can manually download the package and include them in your code.


	composer require nazmulpcc/Texter


  • Download/Clone this repo.
  • Download/Clone mirazmac/Unicode2Bijoy .
  • Include Texter.php and Unicode2Bijoy.php in your code and you are ready to go.


Each method is fairly well documented in the source code. A few important methods:

  • startFrom(x, y): Set up the co-ordinates from which Texter will start writing.
  • width($w): Width of the boundary inside which Texter will write text.
  • align($position): Set the horizontal alignment to left, right or center/centre. Default is left.
  • on($image) / image($image): Set the image on which Texter will write. Image is passed by reference.
  • fontSize($size): Set the font size. $size can be point or pixel, like $texter->fontSize('15pt') or $texter->fontSize('15px'). If 'pt' or 'px' is absent, the gd default is used.
  • color($hex): / color($red, $green, $blue): Both hex and RGB are accepted as text color.
  • text($text): Add text to be written.
  • lineHeight($height): The line height. $height can be in pixel or as a percentage of the text height.
  • write(): Call this guy to do the job or if you want to start a new line.
    All public functions can be chained up. So you can always do things like:
    $texter->startFrom(10, 10)
                ->color(0, 0, 0)
                ->text('Hellow World')

Note: Before you write a piece of text, you must at least set the starting points(startFrom), width, and image.

About Texter

I developed this out of pure frustration that PHP, one of the most widely used coding language doesn't support Bangla because GD can't handle complex fonts. There are room for a lot of improvements which I will try to accomplish gradually. Please contribute if you can.


  • Add vertical alignment feature.
  • Support for Text shadow.
  • Add some debugging functions


This project is lincensed under DBAD license.