
A PocketMine plugin which can display player count and MODT from any server on a sign.

MIT License



A PocketMine plugin which can display player count and MODT on a sign from any server with query enabled.


Anyone with the permission SSS.signs can create a sign with the following content:

serverIP/Hostname (can go over two lines with a - at the end of the first line)

The plugin will recognize that sign and fill it with colorful stats! Players who tap the sign and have the permission SSS.servertransfer will be transferred to the Server the sign is displaying.

Note: Due to 1.1+ not telling the server when the sign is finished, you now need to tap the sign once to activate it after setting it up.


This plugin can also be used as a query API. You might want to look into SignServerStats.php, because all the API functions are in there.

Example plugins are provided in /examples/:

  • DumpInfo.php - Dumps all available info about a server.

Because the following two examples may also be useful for users, they are also provided as phars in every release:

  • StatusList/ - Lists online status and player count of multiple servers in a List.
  • WarnOffline/ - Warns if a server has gone offline. Depends on StatusList.
  • LinkPlayerCount/ - Links the player count of multiple servers.

You should always check if your plugin is compatible with the version of SignServerStats present on the current server with the help of the isCompatible function


/** @var robske_110\SSS\SignServerStats $signServerStats */
   	$this->getLogger()->critical("Your version of SignServerStats is not compatible with this plugin.");

If you prefer just a quick introduction, here is one for getting the the online status of the server

Initial, for example onEnable:

/** @var $sss robske_110\SSS\SignServerStats */
$sss->addServer("", 1234);

This tells SSS that it should query that server in its next query.

IMPORTANT: The info might not be available in the next SSSasyncUpdateEvent!

To check if the server is online simply listen to the SSSasyncUpdateEvent and check the array:

public function onSSSasyncUpdate(robske_110\SSS\event\SSSasyncUpdateEvent $event){
	$serverOnlineArray = $event->getPlugin()->getServerOnline();
		$isOnline = $serverOnlineArray[""."@".1234];
	    //isOnline is now a bool (true/false) that reflects the online state of the server (if the server is online and this says false, it probably doesn't have query enabled.)
	    //You can now also get additional data with getMODTs() and getPlayerData() in the same way.
	    //There is also the function getFullData() with which you can get allthedata a server sent over the query. Do a var_dump on it for a headstart.
	    //The information is going to be here in the next event!


  • FTPs? NCPs?

  • Multi-line server hostnames

  • Create custom event onAsyncUpdate for easier API use

  • API should be able to also get other data (playernamelist, pluginlist)

  • Sign style config

  • Tap sign to transfer