
Web based application for managing your Sourcemod servers and users


[WIP] Sourcemod Server Management System

The Sourcemod Server Management System is a PHP based web application designed to ease the never-ending battle of managing your Sourcemod servers on either Windows or Linux based machines. SSMS authenticates using your Steam account and provides full access control to all of your users.

This tool is based on Snelvuurs original SSMS.

This tool is still in development


Server Requirements

Your web server must have the following minimum requirements:

  • PHP Version >= 5.4
  • MCrypt PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • Apache mod_rewrite installed/enabled
  • Database (SQL, SQLite)
CLI Installation via Git (prefered method)

Installation via the command line requires a few tools to be installed on your environment:

Start off by cloning the repository into your web directory:

git clone

In the root of your cloned directory, run the following Composer command to install the tools dependancies:

composer install

Once this command has completed, a bower install command will automatically fire to download the applications assets.

Ensure your storage directory is readable, writeable and executable:

This applies to Unix/Linux based machines only.

chmod -R 777 app/storage

Packaged Installation

TO DO: Instructions on FTP zip upload

Environment & Database Configuration

Environment Setup

This tool provides a simple way to setup different working environments. By default the application is set to local development, and thus any configuration options within app/config/local override the defaults within app/config. Feel free to set the environment to another name such as development with your own config overrides in app/config/development. N.B. testing is already in use by the Laravel Framework.

To set the environment into production mode (if on a live webserver), you need to set a PHP environment variable named ENV to production. This can either be done via the virtual host or in the public/.htaccess, simply add SetEnv ENV production.

Database Setup

First, ensure you have a database setup with connected user privilages and details to hand.

To keep your sensitive details out of the application (incase you push your own version to a git based service), the database details are loaded from an environment file, which git ignores. These files are located in the root of your application, with the naming convention of .env.*.php. For example in local environment, the file will be named .env.local.php.

In production, the file is named .env.php.

There are two ways to configure this file; the advised way by running the php artisan ssms:config command, or manually creating the file yourself with the following content:


	return array(
	    '' => 'localhost',
	    '' => 'ssms',
	    'database.user' => 'root',
	    'database.password' => 'mypassword',

Database Migrations via CLI

The application has a quick installer using the command line. In the root of the application, input the command:

php artisan ssms:install

Follow the instructions to setup your database migrations and seed data.

This file requires a database config file for the current environment!

Database Migrations via SQL

If you're unable to setup your database via the artisan CLI, run the following SQL file in your database to create the tables needed for the application:

TO DO: Setup raw SQL commands


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