
Docker friendly Symfony Cron Bundle for handling scheduled tasks consistently, parallel or via message queue

MIT License


Okvpn - Cron Bundle

This bundle provides interfaces for registering and handle scheduled tasks within your Symfony application.


This is a simpler alternative of existing cron bundle without doctrine deps. Here also added support middleware for customization handling cron jobs across a cluster install: (Send jobs to message queue, like Symfony Messenger; locking; etc.). This allows to limit the number of parallel running processes and prioritized it.


  • Not need doctrine/database.
  • Docker friendly, runs as background command without crond.
  • Schedule tasks with one-millisecond precision.
  • More ways to randomize crons with @random 3600 and jitter.
  • Integration with Symfony Messenger.
  • Load a cron job from a different storage (config.yml, tagged services, commands).
  • Support many engines to run cron (in parallel process, message queue, consistently).
  • Support many types of cron handlers/command: (services, symfony commands, UNIX shell commands).
  • Can be used along with timers, subscriber and async I/O with React EventLoop, like Redis subscriber clue/redis-react.
  • Middleware and customization.

Table of Contents


Install using composer:

composer require okvpn/cron-bundle

For Symfony 4+ add bundle to config/bundles.php

return [
    ... //  bundles
    Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\OkvpnCronBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Quick Usage

You can use AsCron or AsPeriodicTask attribute for autoconfigure.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Service;

use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Attribute\AsCron;
use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Attribute\AsPeriodicTask;

#[AsCron('*/5 * * * *', messenger: true)]
class SyncAppWorker
    public function __invoke(array $arguments = []): void
        // code

#[AsCron('*/10 * * * *', jitter: 60)]
class Sync2AppWorker { /* ... */ } // Run each 10 minutes with 60 sec random delay 

#[AsCron('@random 3600')]
class Sync3AppWorker { /* ... */ } // Run with random 0-3600 sec 

#[AsPeriodicTask('30 seconds', jitter: 5)]
class Sync4AppWorker { /* ... */ } // Run each 30 sec with 5 sec random delay.


Runs the current cron schedule

# Add this line to system crontab and execute each minute.
php bin/console okvpn:cron 

# Run cron scheduler every minute without exiting.
php bin/console okvpn:cron --demand 

# Run cron scheduler for specific groups.
php bin/console okvpn:cron --group  

Debug and execute cron jobs manually and show list

php bin/console okvpn:debug:cron 

php bin/console okvpn:debug:cron --execute-one=7

Dry run cron tasks.

php bin/console okvpn:cron --dry-run --demand -vvv

Cron Expression

A CRON expression syntax was take from lib dragonmantank/cron-expressions

Also, it was extent with @random to avoid running things at midnight or once an hour at XX:00. Most people do so and same services have traffic peaks every hour.


*/5 * * * * - every 5 min 
0 1 * * 0 - at 1 am every Sunday
@random 3600 # where 3600 - parameter lambda in the Poisson distribution, if it will run each seconds. Here, the avg probability period is 1 hour.

First way. Install system crontab

To regularly run a set of commands from your application, configure your system to run the oro:cron command every minute. On UNIX-based systems, you can simply set up a crontab entry for this:

*/1 * * * * /path/to/php /path/to/bin/console okvpn:cron --env=prod > /dev/null

Second way. Using supervisor

Setup Supervisor to run cron on demand.

sudo apt -y --no-install-recommends install supervisor

Create a new supervisor configuration.

sudo vim /etc/supervisor/conf.d/app_cron.conf

Add the following lines to the file.

command=/path/to/bin/console okvpn:cron --env=prod --demand

Registration a new scheduled task

To add a new scheduled task you can use tag okvpn.cron or using autoconfigure with interface Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\CronSubscriberInterface.



namespace App\Cron;

use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\CronSubscriberInterface;

class MyCron implements CronSubscriberInterface // implements is not required, but helpful if yor are use autoconfigure
    public function __invoke(array $arguments = [])
        // processing...

    public static function getCronExpression(): string
        return '*/10 * * * *';

If you use the default configuration, the corresponding service will be automatically registered thanks to autoconfigure. To declare the service explicitly you can use the following snippet:

            - { name: okvpn.cron, cron: '*/5 * * * *' }

            - { name: okvpn.cron, cron: '*/5 * * * *', lock: true, async: true }

Possible options to configure with tags are:

  • cron - A cron expression, if empty, the command will run always.
  • lock - Prevent to run the command again, if prev. command is not finished yet. Possible value: true, {name: lock1, ttl: 300}.
    To use this option need to install symfony lock component
  • async - Run command in the new process without blocking main thread.
  • arguments - Array of arguments, used to run symfony console commands or pass arguments to handler.
  • priority - Sorting priority.
  • group - Group name, see Cron Grouping section.
  • jitter - Random delay 0-60 sec
  • interval - Run periodic tasks by interval. Examples 10, 10 seconds, 1 day.
  • messenger - Send jobs into Messenger Bus. Default false. You also can specify transport here {routing: async},
    see Symfony Routing Messages to a Transport

Symfony console command

            - { name: console.command }
            - { name: okvpn.cron, cron: '*/5 * * * *' }

Via configuration / shell commands

      command: "php %kernel_project.dir%/bin/console cache:clear --env=prod" # Shell command 
      cron: "0 0 * * *"
      command: "bash /root/ > /root/renew.txt" # Shell command
      group: root # Filtering by group. You can run `bin/console okvpn:cron --group=root` under the root user 
      cron: "0 0 * * *"
      command: 'App\Cron\YouServiceName' # Your service name
      cron: "0 0 * * *"
      command: 'app:cron:sync-amazon-orders' # Your symfony console command name
      cron: "*/30 * * * *"
      async: true
      arguments: { '--transport': 15 } # command arguments or options
      jitter: 60 # 60 sec random delay 

      command: 'app:cron:wrfda-grib2' # run the command with 20 sec interval and 10 sec random delay 
      interval: "20 seconds"
      jitter: 10

Full Configuration Reference

# Your config file
    lock_factory: ~ # The Service to create lock. Default lock.factory, see Symfony Lock component.
    timezone: ~ # default timezone, like Europe/Minsk. if null will use php.ini default
        enable: false # Enable symfony messenger
    # Default options allow to add define default policy for all tasks, 
    # For example to always run commands with locking and asynchronously
        async: true # Default false
        lock: true # Default false
        messenger: true # Handle all jobs with symfony messenger bus.
    # Stamps it's markers that will add to each tasks.
        - 'Packagist\WebBundle\Cron\WorkerStamp'
    # service name for run cron in demand (Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Runner\ScheduleLoopInterface)
    loop_engine: ~

    tasks: # Defined tasks via configuration
        command: 'app:noaa:gfs-grib-download'
        cron: '34,45 */6 * * *'
        messenger: { routing: lowpriority } # See Messenger configuration
        lock: true
        arguments: { '--transport': '0p25' }
        # Here you can also add other custom options and create your own middleware.
        command: "bash /root/ > /root/renew.txt" # Shell command
        group: root # Group filter. You can run `bin/console okvpn:cron --group=root` under the root user 
        cron: "0 0 * * *"

Handle Cron Jobs via Symfony Messenger

To limit the number of parallel running processes you can handle the cron jobs in the queue using Symfony Messenger.

  1. Install Symfony Messenger
  2. Enable default route for cron job
# config/packages/messenger.yaml
            async: "%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%"
            lowpriority: "%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_LOW_DSN)%"

            # async is whatever name you gave your transport above
            'Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Messenger\CronMessage':  async
  1. Enable Messenger for cron.
# config/packages/cron.yaml
    # Required. messenger middleware is disable
        enable: true

    # Optional
        messenger: true # For handle all cron jobs with messenger
    # Optional 
            command: 'app:noaa:gfs-grib-download'
            cron: '34,45 */6 * * *'
#           messenger: true # OR
            messenger: { routing: lowpriority } # Send to lowpriority transport

More information how to use messenger here

Your own Scheduled Tasks Loaders

You can create custom tasks loaders, see example

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Packagist\WebBundle;

use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Loader\ScheduleLoaderInterface;
use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Model\ScheduleEnvelope;
use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Model;

class DoctrineCronLoader implements ScheduleLoaderInterface
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getSchedules(array $options = []): iterable
        // ... get active cron from database/etc.

        yield new ScheduleEnvelope(
            'yor_service_command_name', // A service name, (object must be have a __invoke method)
            // !!! Important. You must mark this service with tag `okvpn.cron_service` to add into our service locator.
            new Model\ScheduleStamp('*/5 * * * *'), // Cron expression
            new Model\LockStamp('yor_service_command_name'), // If you want to use locking
            new Model\AsyncStamp() // If you want to run asynchronously

        yield new ScheduleEnvelope(
            'app:cron:sync-amazon-orders', // Symfony console
            new Model\ScheduleStamp('*/5 * * * *'), // Cron expression
            new Model\LockStamp('sync-amazon-orders_1'), // If you want to use locking
            new Model\ArgumentsStamp(['--integration' => 1]), // Command arguments
            new Model\AsyncStamp() // If you want to run asynchronously

        yield new ScheduleEnvelope(
            'ls -l', // shell command
            new Model\ScheduleStamp('*/10 * * * *'),  // Cron expression
            new Model\ShellStamp(['timeout'=> 300]), // Run command as shell

        // ...

And register your loader.

        tags: [okvpn_cron.loader]

Handling cron jobs across a cluster or custom message queue

You can use the cron $group to split many scheduled tasks between clusters, see example:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace App\Cron;

class EntityCronLoader implements ScheduleLoaderInterface
    public function getSchedules(array $options = []): iterable
        if (!\in_array($group = $options['group'] ?? 'default', ['default', 'all_chunk']) && !\str_starts_with($group, 'chunk_')) {
        $chunkId = str_replace('chunk_', '', $group)
        foreach ($this->registry->getAllRepos($chunkId) as $name => $repo) {
            $expr = '@random ' . $this->getSyncInterval($repo);
            yield new ScheduleEnvelope(
                new Model\ScheduleStamp($expr),
                new WorkerStamp(true),
                new Model\ArgumentsStamp(['mirror' => $name,])
command=/path/to/bin/console okvpn:cron --env=prod --demand --group=chunk_%process_num%

See example of customization one, two

Use ReactPHP EventLoop

You can add your own periodic tasks directly to Loop. The bundle uses a simple wrapper Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Runner\ScheduleLoopInterface for the library react/event-loop

use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Event\LoopEvent;
use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Runner\TimerStorage;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Attribute\AsEventListener;

class CronStartListener
    public function loopInit(LoopEvent $event): void
        $dataDogS = $this->getDDog();
        $event->getLoop()->addPeriodicTimer(6.0, static function () use ($dataDogS) {
            $dataDogS->set('crond', getmypid());

Configure ReactPHP adapter

Need to install react/event-loop if you want to use with async I/O, for example for handle websockets, redis.

composer req react/event-loop 
# Add file to config/packages/*
    loop_engine: okvpn_cron.react_loop # service name
use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Event\LoopEvent;
use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Runner\TimerStorage;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Attribute\AsEventListener;
use Okvpn\Bundle\CronBundle\Runner\TimerStorage;
use React\EventLoop\Loop;

class CronStartListener
    public function __construct(
        private TimerStorage $timers,
    ) {

    public function loopInit(LoopEvent $event): void
        $redis = new RedisClient('');
        $timers = $this->timers;
        $loop = $event->getLoop();

        $redis->on('message', static function (string $channel, string $payload) use ($timers, $loop) {
            [$command, $args] = unserialize($payload);
            if ($timers->hasTimer($envelope = $timers->find($command, $args))) {
                [$timer] = $timers->getTimer($envelope);

        Loop::addPeriodicTimer(5.0, static function () use ($redis) {


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