
[Deprecated - This project is no longer maintained] A PHP micro job scheduler framework like cron.

MIT License



A PHP micro job scheduler framework like cron.

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$worker = new \Kohkimakimoto\Worker\Worker();

// job for every minute.
$worker->job("hello", ['cron_time' => '* * * * *', 'command' => function(){
    echo "Hello world\n";

// job runs a shell command.
$worker->job("uptime", ['cron_time' => '10 * * * *', 'command' => "uptime"]);




Create composer.json for installing via composer.

    "require": {
        "kohkimakimoto/workerphp": "0.*"

Run composer install command.

$ composer install



To make a job scheduler application like cron, create worker.php file (or other name you want). You need to load composer autoload.php file and create an instance of Kohkimakimoto\Worker\Worker.

// worker.php
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$worker = new \Kohkimakimoto\Worker\Worker();

// ... job definitions


Run php worker.php. You will get the following messages and the process keep in your system. But it is not useful at this time. Stop the process using CONTROL-C.

$ php worker.php
Starting WorkerPHP.
Successfully booted. Quit working with CONTROL-C.

Learn about jobs at the next section.


Define a job.

$worker->job("hello", ['cron_time' => '* * * * *', 'command' => function(){
    echo "Hello world\n";

This $worker->job method has two arguments. The first argument is name of job. It must be unique in all jobs. The second argument is an array that has some parameters. cron_time is a schedule when to run the job. It is a "cron expressions" string. command is a closure that is executed by the worker.

You can run it. You will get messages like the below.

$ php worker.php
Starting WorkerPHP.
Initializing job: hello (job_id: 0)
Successfully booted. Quit working with CONTROL-C.
Running job: hello (pid: 36643) at 2014-12-08 14:56:00
Hello world
Finished job: hello (pid: 36643) at 2014-12-08 14:56:00
Running job: hello (pid: 36646) at 2014-12-08 14:57:00
Hello world
Finished job: hello (pid: 36646) at 2014-12-08 14:57:00
Running job: hello (pid: 36647) at 2014-12-08 14:58:00
Hello world
Finished job: hello (pid: 36647) at 2014-12-08 14:58:00

The job you defined runs every minute.

Also you can define command a command string not a closure.

$worker->job("uptime", ['cron_time' => '* * * * *', 'command' => "uptime"]);

The worker runs command uptime every minute.

Running job: uptime (pid: 36650) at 2014-12-04 12:37:00
12:37  up 8 days, 16:06, 6 users, load averages: 1.82 1.74 1.83
Finished job: uptime (pid: 36650) at 2014-12-04 12:37:00

You can set a limit on running processes at the same time. Use max_processes.

$worker->job("hello", ['cron_time' => '* * * * *', 'max_processes' => 1, 'command' => function(){
    echo "Hello world\n";
$ php worker.php
Runs job: hello (pid: 90621) at 2014-12-16 08:03:00
Hello world
Skip the job 'hello' due to limit of max processes: 1 at 2014-12-16 08:04:00

Http Server (Web APIs)

WorkerPHP has a built-in http server. It provides APIs that controls jobs using HTTP requests. Write the following code.

$worker = new \Kohkimakimoto\Worker\Worker();

// ...


When WorkerPHP starts, It listens port 8080 (default). You can modify listened port and host.

$worker->httpServer->listen(8888, 'localhost');

Get a worker info

If you started http server, you can get worker infomation using http request.

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/?pretty=1

You will get below json.

    "name": "WorkerPHP",
    "number_of_jobs": 2,
    "jobs": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "hello",
            "max_processes": 1,
            "last_runtime": "2014-12-15 15:55:38",
            "next_runtime": "2014-12-15 15:56:00",
            "arguments": []
            "id": 1,
            "name": "uptime",
            "max_processes": 1,
            "last_runtime": "2014-12-15 15:55:38",
            "next_runtime": "2014-12-15 15:56:00",
            "arguments": []

Get a job info

You can get a job info by specifing job name.

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/hello?pretty=1

You will get below json.

    "number_of_running_jobs": 0

Run a job

You can run a job using POST request.

$ curl -XPOST http://localhost:8080/hello?pretty=1

You will get below json.

    "status": "OK"

Service Providers

ServiceProvider allow the user to extend WorkerPHP. Please see the built-in Service Provider StatsServiceProvider.


Kohki Makimoto [email protected]


MIT license.