
Utilities for testing WordPress plugin install/uninstall with PHPUnit

MIT License


WP Plugin Uninstall Tester

A testcase class for testing plugin install and uninstall, with related tools.


This project is no longer maintained. It has been merged into the WP Plugin PHPUnit Bootstrap. It is recommended that you use that instead.


The purpose of this testcase is to allow you to make plugin uninstall testing as realistic as possible. WordPress uninstalls plugins when they aren't active, and these tools allow you simulate that. The installation is performed remotely, so the plugin is not loaded when the tests are being run.

I created these tools after finding that there was a fatal error in one of my plugin's uninstall scripts. Not that I didn't have unit tests for uninstallation. I did. But the uninstall tests were being run with the plugin already loaded. So I never realized that I was calling one of the plugin's functions that wouldn't normally be available. That's when I decided to create these testing tools, so my uninstall tests would fail if I wasn't including all required dependencies in my plugin's uninstall script.

In addition to providing a realistic uninstall testing environment, it also provides some assertions to help you make sure that your plugin entirely cleaned up the database.



composer require --dev jdgrimes/wp-plugin-uninstall-tester

Set Up

Once you have the testing tools installed, you need to make a few changes to your bootstrap file for PHPUnit. We're going to assume that you have a bootstrap file similar to the one in this tutorial.

First, you need to include the /includes/functions.php file, so you can use running_wp_plugin_uninstall_tests() to check if the uninstall tests are being run. You need to be sure that you only load your plugin's files if the uninstall tests aren't being run.

 * This needs to go after you include WordPress's unit test functions, but before
 * loading WordPress's bootstrap.php file.

// Include the uninstall test tools functions.
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../../vendor/jdgrimes/wp-plugin-uninstall-tester/includes/functions.php';

// Check if the tests are running. Only load the plugin if they aren't.
if ( ! running_wp_plugin_uninstall_tests() ) {
	tests_add_filter( 'muplugins_loaded', 'my_plugin_activate' );

Secondly, you need to include the bootstrap.php file:

 * This needs to be included after loading WordPress's bootstrap.php, because the
 * uninstall testcase extends WordPress's WP_UnitTestCase class.

include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../../vendor/jdgrimes/wp-plugin-uninstall-tester/bootstrap.php';

Thirdly, you need to exclude the uninstall group from the tests in your PHPUnit XML config file:

	<!-- This needs to go inside of the <phpunit></phpunit> tags -->

That will exclude the uninstall tests from running by default. To run them, you'll need to do phpunit --group=uninstall.

Finally, you need to make sure that you've copied or symlinked your plugin into the plugins folder of the test site (if you aren't developing it there already):

ln -s path/to/my-plugin path/to/trunk/src/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin


Now, it's finally time to create a testcase. To do this, extend the WP_Plugin_Uninstall_UnitTestCase class.


 * Test uninstallation.

 * Plugin uninstall test case.
 * Be sure to add "@group uninstall", so that the test will run only as part of the
 * uninstall group.
 * @group uninstall
class My_Plugin_Uninstall_Test extends WP_Plugin_Uninstall_UnitTestCase {

	// Protected properties.

	 * The full path to the main plugin file.
	 * @type string $plugin_file
	protected $plugin_file;

	// Public methods.

	 * Set up for the tests.
	public function setUp() {

		// You must set the path to your plugin here.
		// This should be the path relative to the plugin directory on the test site.
		// You will need to copy or symlink your plugin's folder there if it isn't
		// already.
		$this->plugin_file = 'my-plugin/my-plugin.php';

		// Don't forget to call the parent's setUp(), or the plugin won't get installed.

	 * Test installation and uninstallation.
	public function test_uninstall() {

		global $wpdb;
		 * First test that the plugin installed itself properly.

		// Check that a database table was added.
		$this->assertTableExists( $wpdb->prefix . 'myplugin_table' );

		// Check that an option was added to the database.
		$this->assertEquals( 'default', get_option( 'myplugin_option' ) );

		 * Now, test that it uninstalls itself properly.

		// You must call this to perform uninstallation.

		// Check that the table was deleted.
		$this->assertTableNotExists( $wpdb->prefix . 'myplugin_table' );

		// Check that all options with a prefix was deleted.
		$this->assertNoOptionsWithPrefix( 'myplugin' );

		// Same for usermeta and comment meta.
		$this->assertNoUserMetaWithPrefix( 'myplugin' );
		$this->assertNoCommentMetaWithPrefix( 'myplugin' );

Save your testcase and you are all set!

Plugin Usage Simulation

The above example is a great first step in testing that your plugin is uninstalling itself completely. However, you can probably do better. The above testcase is only testing uninstallation from a fresh, clean install of your plugin. But what about after the user has actually used your plugin for a while? It will probably have added some more options to the database somewhere along the way. To have more robust and complete uninstall tests, it is needful to simulate plugin usage.

The testcase has provided for this. To use this feature, write up a script that will simulate your plugin being used. Call your various functions that add data to the database, for example. Save your code in a file.

Now all you need to do for the testcase to run the simulation, is specify the path of the file you just created in the $simulation_file class property (same as we did with the main plugin file and the $plugin_file property above).

The plugin usage simulation script will now be run remotely before the plugin is uninstalled. You can also run it before this if needed, by calling $this->simulate_usage().


This library is provided under the MIT license.

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