
Simple XDCC list in PHP

MIT License



What this xdcc list can do?

You can see what this website do by watching the features wiki page:

Why another XDCC Parser?

This project uses:

  • XML file from Iroffer
  • No Database
  • No Composer or other things
  • Light CSS (using Spectre.css)
  • Light: for index.php 2 CSS (50Ko) + 0 JS (0Ko) + 1 image (2Ko) + 1 HTML (~10 Ko; depends of content) = ~62 Ko!


  • XML File from Iroffer (remove the # from #xdccxmlfile mybot.xml here)
  • PHP (I develop it using PHP7.0, so I think PHP >= 5.0 is ok)

How to use it?

  1. Edit the config.php file and set: $user=""; and $password="";
  2. Change others values you want from config.php
  3. Connect to the admin page: admin.php
  4. Add your bot (the name of your bot must be UNIQUE!)
  5. Indicate the location of the XML-generated file (it can be an URL, or a file path - eg /home/user/bot.xml or ../bot.xml)
  6. Finish :)


Try to see if:

  1. There is no error in the PHP folder (per default /var/log/php_errors.log)
  2. When you save your bot, the file json/data.json is modified with the values you've set

Thanks in advance!
