
Enum Support for yii2 models

OTHER License


Faryshta Yii2 Enum

Faryshta Yii2 Enum extension provides support for the ussage of enumarions in Yii2 models and forms.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer. Check the composer.json for this extension's requirements and dependencies.

To install, either run

$ php composer.phar require faryshta/yii2-enum "@dev"

or add

"faryshta/yii2-enum": "@dev "

to the require section of your composer.json file.



use faryshta\base\EnumTrait;

class Person extends \yii\base\Model
    use EnumTrait;

    public static function enums()
        return [
            // this is the name of the enum.
            'gender' => [
                // here it follows the `'index' => 'desc'` notation
                'F' => 'Female',
                'M' => 'Male',

    // optional magic method to access the value quickly
    public function getGenderDesc()
        // method provided in the EnumTrait to get the description of the value
        // of the attribute
        return $this->getAttributeDesc('gender');


use faryshta\base\EnumTrait;
use faryshta\validators\EnumValidator;

class Person extends \yii\base\Model
    use EnumTrait;

    public $gender;

    public static function enums()
        return [
            // this is the name of the enum.
            'gender' => [
                // here it follows the `'index' => 'desc'` notation
                'F' => 'Female',
                'M' => 'Male',

    public function rules()
        return [

                // optional, if you want to use a diferent class than the
                // class of the current model
                // 'enumClass' => Person::className()

                // optional, if you want to use a diferent enum name than the
                // name of the attribute being validated
                // 'enumName' => 'gender'

Enum Widgets

In a view file

use faryshta\widgets\EnumDropdown;
use faryshta\widgets\EnumRadio;

 * @var Person $model
 * @var ActiveForm $form

// with ActiveForm
echo $form->field($person, 'gender')->widget(EnumDropdown::className());

// without ActiveForm and with model.
echo EnumDropdown::widget([
    'model' => $person,
    'attribute' => 'gender',

// without Model
echo EnumDropdown::widget([
    'name' => 'gender',
    'enumClass' => Person::className(),
    'enumName' => 'gender',

// The same applies for the EnumRadio widget if you want to render a
// list of radio buttons
echo $form->field($person, 'gender')->widget(EnumRadio::className());


In a view file

use faryshta\data\EnumColumn;
use yii\widgets\GridView;

echo GridView::widget([
    'searchModel' => $personSearch,
    'dataProvider' => $personDataProvider,
    'columns' => [
        'class' => EnumColumn::className(),
        'attribute' => 'gender',

        // optional, if you want to use a diferent class than the
        // class of the current model
        // 'enumClass' => Person::className()

        // optional, if you want to use a diferent enum name than the
        // name of the attribute being validated
        // 'enumName' => 'gender'


Faryshta Yii2 Enum is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. See the bundled LICENSE.md for details.