
MIT License


SLM Meets LLM: Balancing Latency, Interpretability and Consistency in Hallucination Detection

This repo contains all the codes and data used in our paper


Large language models (LLMs) are highly capable but face latency challenges in real-time applications, such as conducting online hallucination detection. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel framework that leverages a small language model (SLM) classifier for initial detection, followed by a LLM as constrained reasoner to generate detailed explanations for detected hallucinated content. This study optimizes the real-time interpretable hallucination detection by introducing effective prompting techniques that align LLM-generated explanations with SLM decisions. Empirical experiment results demonstrate its effectiveness, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

Environment Requirements

Please use the following command install all the required python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

GPT Resource Requirements:

We leverage Azure OpenAI Service to conduct the experiment. We use GPT-4 turbo as our model deployment, set temperature=0 and top_p=0.6. To Avoid sharing key in the repository, we read the key securally from Azure Key Vault, please make sure to assign yourself a role assignment of Key Vault Secrets User in IAM, and save your key into the Key Vault Secrets with a SECRET_NAME. Then the user should specify the resource details in aoai_config.json :

  • resource url as "OPENAI_API_BASE"
  • the key vault url as "OPENAI_API_KEY_VAULT". It will work after user login in with az login.
  • key vault secret_name as: "OPENAI_API_KEY_SECRET"

For audiance calling GPT via other methods, please revise the code, mostly

Main Script

  1. Run Constrained Reasoner:

    • Execute the bash script.
    • Specify the paths for grounding sources, the hypothesis file, a data name for tracking, and the test mode (set to 0 to run all data, or n > 0 to sample n hypotheses).
    • This will run all three approaches and save the results in the results folder.
  2. Human Review:

    • Review the output reasons and determine whether each reason explains hallucination or not.
  3. Run Analysis:

    • To reproduce the results in the paper, follow the analyze_reasoning_results.ipynb notebook.


  • Original Data:

    • Located in the data folder.
    • Each dataset contains a groundingsources folder and a hypothesis file.
    • The groundingsources folder includes all grounding source files, named as EncounterID.txt.
    • The hypothesis file contains the following columns:
      • EncounterID: It is used to match the grounding source files in the folder to the corresponding hypotheses in the hypothesis file.
      • SentenceID: Index of the hypotheses within the same encounter.
      • Sentence: The hypotheses to be judged.
      • IsHallucination: Ground-truth indicating whether the hypothesis is hallucinated (1 for hallucination).
  • Results:

    • Algorithm results are saved as TSV files in the results folder. Column "GPTreason" is the generated reasons.
    • Human reviewers judge the real intention of the generated reasons in the GPTJudgement column. "1" means the output really explains hallucination, while "0" means the constrained reasoner disagrees with the upstream decision and gives reasons why the text is a non-hallucination.
    • Final labeled files are located in the results/labelled folder.


[TO Do]

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